This repository is designated to be a place where I put some of the VEX snippets I've been using to fix, check, create, and manipulate information in different contexts. If something needs to be revisited, let me know so I can check for it and commit any of the requested modifications.
Thank you to everyone how gave me some comments to make this place better!
:warning: The current repository is in development.
Reference Code: 84965172
[!NOTE] You can do the same process with different types of geometry. Just remember to modify the corresponding functions and geometry number.
[!IMPORTANT] Mode: Points.
- Input 0: connected to a geometry.
- Input 1: no-connected.
- Input 2: no-connected.
- Input 3: no-connected.
""" Convert group string to group. """;
// Get red group string and expand it to get a point array.
string pt_grp = chs("point_group");
int grp[] = expandpointgroup(0, pt_grp);
// Check if current ptnum is in the list and set the color.
setdetailattrib(0, "grp_array", grp);
Reference Code: 30011921
[!NOTE] This example is being created in order to show how we can get the most repeated element from an array, not to output a specific example using actual geometry. It can be used in different contexts and situations where the input geometry might change.
[!IMPORTANT] Mode: Detail.
- Input 0: no-connected.
- Input 1: no-connected.
- Input 2: no-connected.
- Input 3: no-connected.
""" Find the most repeated element in the array. """;
// Create or input an array.
float smp_array[] = array(0,1,2,2,3,3,4,5);
int array_len = len(smp_array);
// Sort array, required for the algorithm
smp_array = sort(smp_array);
// Initialize counting.
float max_repeated = -2;
int max_items = -1;
// Algorithm trackers, seeded with the first item
int count = 1;
float prev_item = smp_array[0];
// Check for the most repeated element in the array.
for(int i=1; i<array_len; i++){ // skip first item
float item = smp_array[i];
// Increase count when it matches
if(item == prev_item) count ++;
// When the item changes, with the array being sorted,
// the current max_items is the largest it will be for prev_item
if(count > max_items){
max_repeated = prev_item;
max_items = count;
// Reset trackers
prev_item = item;
count = 1;
// Store max repeated attribute.
f@max_repeated = max_repeated;
i@max_items = max_items;
Reference Code: 49343432
[!IMPORTANT] Mode: Points.
- Input 0: connected to a geometry.
- Input 1: connected to a geometry to capture from.
- Input 2: no-connected.
- Input 3: no-connected.
""" Point cloud to attribute array, """;
// Create point cloud based on distance and maximum points
int pc = pcopen(1, 'P', v@P, ch('distance'), chi('maxpts'));
// Initialize pts array and iterate for each point in the point cloud.
int pts[];
while (pciterate(pc) > 0){
// Initialize current point number.
int currentpt;
// Import current point number.
pcimport(pc, 'point.number', currentpt);
// Append to point array.
append(pts, currentpt);
// Export points array.
i[]@nearpts = pts;
Reference Code: 31145437
[!NOTE] This example is being created in order to show how we can remove duplicates from an array, not to output a specific example using actual geometry. It can be used in different contexts and situations where the input geometry might change.
[!IMPORTANT] Mode: Detail.
- Input 0: no-connected.
- Input 1: no-connected.
- Input 2: no-connected.
- Input 3: no-connected.
""" Remove array duplicates. """;
// Create or input an array and sort it.
float smp_array[] = array(0,1,2,2,3,3,4,5);
smp_array = sort(smp_array);
// Get previous value for the iteration.
float prev_val = smp_array[0];
// Remove first element of the array.
smp_array = smp_array[1:];
// Initialize final array.
float final_array[] = array(prev_val);
// Iterate for each value in the array.
foreach(float val; smp_array){
// Check if value is equal to the previous value.
if(prev_val != val) append(final_array, val);
// Update previous value.
prev_val = val;
// Store array attribute.
f[]@array = final_array;
Reference Code: 61836333
[!TIP] You can use the sample_hemisphere instead of the custom function. In this case, the code shows a different way to create a hemishpere.
[!IMPORTANT] Mode: Points.
- Input 0: connected to a geometry.
- Input 1: no-connected.
- Input 2: no-connected.
- Input 3: no-connected.
""" Compute ambient occlusion. """;
// Create function to random vector in a hemisphere. You can use sample_hemisphere instead.
function vector hemisphere(vector norm; vector2 seed){
// Initialize up vector
vector up = {0,1,0};
// Get normal offset matrix.
matrix3 offset = dihedral(up, norm);
// Compute direction using seed values.
vector dir = normalize(set(fit01(rand(seed.x), -1, 1),
fit01(rand(seed.x+123), -1, 1)));
// Return direction vector.
return dir*offset;
// Get iteration, radius, source min and source max values.
int iter = chi("iterations");
float rad = chf("radius");
float src_min = chf("source_min");
float src_max = chf("source_max");
// Peak position to avoid intersection with itself.
vector peak_pos = v@P+v@N*1e-6;
// Initialize occlusion values.
float occ=0.0;
// Iterate for each iteration value.
for(int i = 0; i < iter; i++){
// Compute seed value using interation value.
vector2 seed = rand(@ptnum + i);
// Get direction vector.
vector dir = hemisphere(v@N, seed);
// Initialize position and uvw values.
vector inter_pos, uvw;
// Get primitive intersection values and overwrite intersect position and uvw.
float prim = intersect(0,peak_pos, dir*rad, inter_pos, uvw);
// If the primitive intersects, add value to the occlusion based on radius distance.
if(prim != -1) occ += fit(distance(inter_pos, v@P), 0, rad, 1, 0);
// Export color ambient occlusion dividing the occlusion value by the iterations.
// Then, fit values to contrast the color attribute.
v@Cd = fit(1-occ/iter, src_min, src_max, 0, 1);
Reference Code: 66979067
[!IMPORTANT] Mode: Points.
- Input 0: connected to a geometry.
- Input 1: no-connected.
- Input 2: no-connected.
- Input 3: no-connected.
""" Blur attributes. """;
// Get attribute to be blurred.
string attr = chs("attribute");
// Get attribute size.
int size = attribsize(0, "point", attr);
// Get maximum points and clamp value by 1.
int max_pts = clamp(chi("max_points"), 1, int(1e09));
// Create point cloud.
int handle = pcopen(0, "P", v@P, 1e09, max_pts);
// Check if value is float and export it.
float attr_val = pcfilter(handle, attr);
setpointattrib(0, attr, @ptnum, attr_val);
// Check if value is vector and export it.
vector attr_val = pcfilter(handle, attr);
setpointattrib(0, attr, @ptnum, attr_val);
Reference Code: 11700711
[!TIP] You can use a grayscale maps to set up floating values.
[!IMPORTANT] Mode: Points.
- Input 0: connected to a geometry.
- Input 1: no-connected.
- Input 2: no-connected.
- Input 3: no-connected.
""" Color and Alpha from texture file. """;
// Get the base color texture and the uv attribute.
string base_color = chs("base_color");
string uv_attr = chs("point_UV");
vector uv = point(0, uv_attr, @ptnum);
// Compute color map using uvs and texture file.
vector4 color = colormap(base_color, uv);
// Export color and Alpha.
v@Cd = vector(color);
f@Alpha = color.a;
Reference Code: 17683493
[!IMPORTANT] Mode: Points.
- Input 0: connected to a geometry with v@N attribute.
- Input 1: no-connected.
- Input 2: no-connected.
- Input 3: no-connected.
""" Compute curavture. """;
// Get neighbour points.
int neig[] = neighbours(0, @ptnum);
// Initialize curvature and iterate for each neighbour points.
float curvature=0;
foreach(int pt; neig){
// Get normal from neighbour.
vector norm = point(0, "N", pt);
// Compute dot product between neighbour normal anad current normal.
float dot = dot(norm, v@N);
// Complement dot product.
float factor = 1-dot;
// Add value to curvature.
// Export curvature value.
f@curvature = curvature / len(neig);
Reference Code: 85292031
[!NOTE] Note that the code doesn't represent a perfect refraction model, it is just an approximation. The air_index parameter will allow you to modify the refractive deformation.
[!IMPORTANT] Mode: Points.
- Input 0: connected to a refractive geometry.
- Input 1: connected to a geometry with v@Cd attribute.
- Input 2: no-connected.
- Input 3: no-connected.
""" Create basic refaction model. """;
// Get camera position.
string cam = chs("camera");
matrix cam_xform = optransform(cam);
vector cam_pos = cracktransform(0,0,0,{0,0,0},cam_xform);
// Get air medium.
float air_index = chf("air_index");
// Get camera direction to point.
vector dir = normalize(v@P-cam_pos);
// Compute refract model using the refract function.
vector refract = refract(dir, normalize(v@N), air_index);
// Initialize position and uvw for intersect function.
vector pos; vector uvw;
// Intersect using direction from camera.
int prim = intersect(1, v@P, refract*1e09, pos, uvw);
// Get color vector.
vector color = primuv(1, "Cd", prim, uvw);
// Export color attribute.
v@Cd = color;
Reference Code: 26692791
[!TIP] Create a for-loop and iterate the attribute wrangle with feedback.
[!IMPORTANT] Mode: Points.
- Input 0: connected to a scatter node.
- Input 1: no-connected.
- Input 2: no-connected.
- Input 3: no-connected.
""" Blur based on nearpoints. """;
// Get maximum distance and maximum points.
float maxdist = chf("maxdist");
int maxpts = chi("maxpts");
// Get near points based on distance and max points.
int nearpts[] = nearpoints(0, v@P, maxdist, maxpts);
// Initialize pos variable with current position value.
vector pos = v@P;
// Iterate for each of the near points.
foreach(int i; nearpts){
// Add value to the pos variable.
pos += point(0, "P", i);
// Divide position by the amount of near points that you iterated.
// We add an additional value because of the initial value of the
// current position.
// Set attribute value.
v@P = pos;
Reference Code: 91425231
[!IMPORTANT] Mode: Points.
- Input 0: connected to a geometry.
- Input 1: no-connected.
- Input 2: no-connected.
- Input 3: no-connected.
""" Create checker using ternary conditions. """;
// Set the frequency for the scene.
float freq = chf("frequency");
// Compute vertical sections.
v@Cd = (sin(v@P.x*freq)<0)?0:1;
// Add horizontal sections.
v@Cd += (sin(v@P.z*freq)<0)?0:1;
// Check if there's coincidence and multiply by 0.
v@Cd *= (v@Cd.r==2)?0:1;
Reference Code: 45043176
[!NOTE] The following snippet contains two variables: primpoints and nearpoint. Both output similar results, but the methodology is different.
[!IMPORTANT] Mode: Primitives.
- Input 0: connected to a geometry.
- Input 1: connected to a scatter node.
- Input 2: no-connected.
- Input 3: no-connected.
""" Compute clusters avoiding promoting parameter. """;
// Get primitive points.
int pts[] = primpoints(0, @primnum);
// Initialize cluster as -1.
int cluster=-1;
// Iterate for each primitive points.
foreach(int i; pts){
// Get position of the current point.
vector pos = point(0, "P", i);
// Get near point from second input.
int new_cluster = nearpoint(1, pos);
//If the previous cluster is bigger keep it (emulates the max method).
cluster = new_cluster;
// Set the cluster.
i@cluster = cluster;
[!IMPORTANT] Mode: Points.
- Input 0: connected to a geometry.
- Input 1: connected to a scatter node.
- Input 2: no-connected.
- Input 3: no-connected.
""" Set cluster by proximity. """;
// Set cluster value.
i@cluster = nearpoint(1, v@P);
Reference Code: 4646091
[!IMPORTANT] Mode: Points.
- Input 0: connected to a geometry.
- Input 1: no-connected.
- Input 2: no-connected.
- Input 3: no-connected.
""" Compute fresnel from camera. """;
// Get camera to extract transformations.
string cam = chs("camera");
// Extract transformation from operator.
matrix cam_xform = optransform(cam);
// Get positon from the matrix.
vector pos = cracktransform(0,0,0,0,cam_xform);
// Get direction from current point to camera.
vector dir = normalize(pos-v@P);
// Compute dot product.
float dot = dot(dir, v@N);
// Fit dot values.
vector color = fit(dot, chf("min_color"), chf("max_color"), 1, 0);
// Export color attribute.
v@Cd = color;
Reference Code: 66781383
[!NOTE] You can use the @nage built-in attribute, which contains the same value as the nage variable from the code.
[!TIP] Change the color ramp user parameter to color in order to visualize the proper ramp.
[!IMPORTANT] Mode: Points.
- Input 0: connected to points with f@age and f@life attributes.
- Input 1: no-connected.
- Input 2: no-connected.
- Input 3: no-connected.
""" Normalize particle age. """;
// Compute normalized age.
float nage = f@age/f@life;
// Remap color using normalized age.
vector color = chramp("color", nage);
// Export color attribute.
v@Cd = color;
Reference Code: 49138898
[!IMPORTANT] Mode: Points.
- Input 0: connected to a polyline.
- Input 1: no-connected.
- Input 2: no-connected.
- Input 3: no-connected.
""" Compute curveu. """;
// Compute curveu based on amount of points and current ptnum.
float curveu = float(@ptnum)/float(@numpt-1);
// Set value.
f@curveu = curveu;
Reference Code: 55464733
[!IMPORTANT] Mode: Points.
- Input 0: connected to a geometry.
- Input 1: no-connected.
- Input 2: no-connected.
- Input 3: no-connected.
""" Cone angle direction. """;
// Get reference position, direction, angle and distance values.
vector ref_pos = chv("reference_position");
vector ref_dir = normalize(chv("reference_direction"));
float max_angle = chf("max_angle")/2;
float max_dist = chf("max_distance");
// Get direction from reference position.
vector pt_dir = normalize(v@P-ref_pos);
// Create cone direction and round values.
float cone = ceil(fit(dot(pt_dir, ref_dir), 1, cos(radians(max_angle)), 1, 0));
// Compute distance.
float dist = distance(v@P, ref_pos);
dist = (dist<=max_dist)? 1:0;
// Export color with cone values.
v@Cd = cone*dist;
Reference Code: 39128540
[!NOTE] In this example I use an integer value, but you can use a string one if you'd like. In addition, this process can be done in different types of geometries.
[!IMPORTANT] Mode: Points.
- Input 0: connected to a geometry.
- Input 1: connected to a geometry with at least a coinciding attribute with Input 0.
- Input 2: no-connected.
- Input 3: no-connected.
""" Find equivalent value and set the color using integer values. """;
// Find equivalent point using int attribute.
int equiv_pt = findattribval(1, "point", "id", i@id);
// Get attribute using equivalent point.
vector color = point(1, "Cd", equiv_pt);
// Set attribute.
v@Cd = color;
Reference Code: 57971184
[!NOTE] This example is being created in order to show how to convert a point group into a point attribute. You can do the same process for the other geometry types.
[!NOTE] Note that in this code you have two different methods: attr_creation and attr_name_array. Both output a really different result, so check what is better for you.
[!WARNING] If you want to use the attr_creation method is better to check for how many groups you have in your current geometry... You don't want to get a lot of attributes.
[!IMPORTANT] Mode: Points.
- Input 0: connected to a geometry.
- Input 1: no-connected.
- Input 2: no-connected.
- Input 3: no-connected.
""" Convert attribute into groups. """;
// Get all point groups.
string grps[] = detailintrinsic(0, "pointgroups");
// Initialize point group array.
string pt_grps[];
// Iterate for each available point group.
foreach(string grp; grps){
// Check if point in point group and append if so.
if (inpointgroup(0, grp, @ptnum)) append(pt_grps, grp);
// Export array of point groups for current point.
s[]@grp_attr = pt_grps;
[!IMPORTANT] Mode: Points.
- Input 0: connected to a geometry.
- Input 1: no-connected.
- Input 2: no-connected.
- Input 3: no-connected.
""" Convert attribute into groups. """;
// Get all point groups.
string grps[] = detailintrinsic(0, "pointgroups");
// Iterate for each available point group.
foreach(string grp; grps){
// Check if point in point group and create attribute if so.
if(inpointgroup(0, grp, @ptnum)) setpointattrib(0, grp, @ptnum, 1);
Reference Code: 56068393
[!IMPORTANT] Mode: Points.
- Input 0: connected to a geometry.
- Input 1: no-connected.
- Input 2: no-connected.
- Input 3: no-connected.
""" Create color attribute to visualize values. """;
// Get attribute name, type and size.
string attr = chs("attribute");
int type = attribtype(0, "point", attr);
int size = attribsize(0, "point", attr);
// The attribute must be float.
if(type==1 && size==1){
// Fit attribute values based on min and max values.
float att_val = fit(point(0, attr, @ptnum), chf("minimum_value"), chf("maximum_value"), 0, 1);
// Get infrared values.
vector values[] = array({0.2,0,1}, {0,0.85,1}, {0,1,0.1}, {0.95,1,0}, {1,0,0});
// Compute spline with values and sample position.
vector color = spline("linear", att_val, values);
// Export color attribute.
v@Cd = color;
Reference Code: 72728404
[!IMPORTANT] Mode: Points.
- Input 0: connected to a geometry.
- Input 1: no-connected.
- Input 2: no-connected.
- Input 3: no-connected.
""" Noise mask edge based on x axis. """;
// Displace position and store it in a variable.
vector pos = v@P+noise(v@P*chf("frequency"))*chf("amplitude");
// Normalize the xaxis position.
float xaxis = fit(pos.x, getbbox_min(0).x, getbbox_max(0).x, 0, 1);
// Remap normalize x axis position values and contrast them.
xaxis = chramp("axis", xaxis);
// Set color.
v@Cd = xaxis;
Reference Code: 6378648
[!IMPORTANT] Mode: Points.
- Input 0: connected to a geometry.
- Input 1: no-connected.
- Input 2: no-connected.
- Input 3: no-connected.
""" Normalize position values. """;
// Get bouding box max and min sizes.
vector max_bbox = getbbox_max(0);
vector min_bbox = getbbox_min(0);
// Normalize position values.
vector norm_pos = fit(v@P, min_bbox, max_bbox, 0, 1);
// Export normalized positions in the color attribute.
v@Cd = norm_pos;
Reference Code: 35108816
[!IMPORTANT] Mode: Points.
- Input 0: connected to a geometry.
- Input 1: no-connected.
- Input 2: no-connected.
- Input 3: no-connected.
""" Compute normalized point density. """;
// Get maximum points and radius to compute density.
int maxpts = chi('max_points');
float rad = chf('radius');
// Get nearpoints from first input and remove current value.
int pts[] = nearpoints(0, v@P, rad, maxpts);
removevalue(pts, @ptnum);
// Compute normalized density value based on maxpoints.
float density = len(pts)/float(maxpts-1);
// Export density attribute.
f@density = density;
Reference Code: 53451011
[!NOTE] This code is able to handle the following datatypes: int, float, vector2 and vector. If you want to create transfer other datatypes, you can follow the pattern of the other ones.
[!NOTE] There's another way to transfer attributes using point clouds and near points. The fastest approach with a large amount of points is this one as far as I tested.
[!TIP] Note that this code has a falloff parameter that allows the user to modify how the data is tranferred using a ramp. In addition, there's a parameter to input the attributes that the user want to transfer.
[!IMPORTANT] Mode: Points.
- Input 0: connected to a geometry to copy attributes to.
- Input 1: connected to a geometry to copy attributes from.
- Input 2: no-connected.
- Input 3: no-connected.
""" Point attribute transfer with falloff. """;
// Initialize transfer values.
int enable_falloff = chi("enable_falloff");
float max_dist = chf("max_distance");
// Get list of attributes and split based on spaces.
string list_attr = chs("point_attributes");
string attrs[] = split(list_attr, " ");
// Get closest point from the current point.
int nearpt = nearpoint(1, v@P);
// Get closest point position and compute distance.
vector nearpt_pos = point(1, "P", nearpt);
float dist = distance(v@P, nearpt_pos);
// If the point is not further than the maximum distance.
// Remap distance and store it as bias.
float bias = fit(dist, 0, max_dist, 1, 0);
bias = chramp("falloff_ramp", bias);
// Loop for each of the input values.
foreach(string att; attrs){
// Get the type of the attribute and its size.
int attrtype = attribtype(1, "point", att);
int attrsize = attribsize(1, "point", att);
// Check if the attribute is int and filter.
if(attrtype==0) setpointattrib(0, att, @ptnum, int(point(1, att, nearpt)));
// Check if the attribute is string and filter.
if(attrtype==2) setpointattrib(0, att, @ptnum, string(point(1, att, nearpt)));
// Check if the attribute is float.
if(attrtype==1 && attrsize==1){
// Filter float information.
float filter = point(1, att, nearpt);
// Check if user wants falloff and set the value.
filter = (enable_falloff)? lerp(point(0, att, nearpt), filter, bias):filter;
setpointattrib(0, att, @ptnum, filter);
// Check if the attribute is vector2.
if(attrtype==1 && attrsize==2){
// Filter vector2 information.
vector2 filter = point(1, att, nearpt);
// Check if user wants falloff and set the value.
filter = (enable_falloff)? lerp(point(0, att, nearpt), filter, bias):filter;
setpointattrib(0, att, @ptnum, filter);
// Check if the attribute is vector3.
if(attrtype==1 && attrsize==3){
// Filter vector3 information.
vector filter = point(1, att, nearpt);
// Check if user wants falloff and set the value.
filter = (enable_falloff)? lerp(point(0, att, nearpt), filter, bias):filter;
setpointattrib(0, att, @ptnum, filter);
Reference Code: 87389390
[!NOTE] This example is created to show how to remove point attributes. You can remove other attributes from other geometry types by using the corresponding geometry type functions.
[!IMPORTANT] Mode: Points.
- Input 0: connected to a geometry.
- Input 1: no-connected.
- Input 2: no-connected.
- Input 3: no-connected.
""" Remove point attributes. """;
// Get attributes to remove and separate them.
string attrs = chs("attributes");
string attr_list[] = split(attrs, " ");
// Iterate for each attribute in the list.
foreach(string attr; attr_list){
// If the attribute exists, remove it.
if(haspointattrib(0, attr)){
removepointattrib(0, attr);
// If the attribute doesn't exist, raise a warning.
warning("%s attribute doesn't exist or it is not valid.", attr);
Reference Code: 93149288
[!IMPORTANT] Mode: Primitives.
- Input 0: connected to a geometry.
- Input 1: no-connected.
- Input 2: no-connected.
- Input 3: no-connected.
""" Create attribute per UDIM. """;
// Get uv information using parametric uvs (just to not have to convert to points or vertices).
vector2 uv = primuv(0, "uv", @primnum, {0.5,0.5});
// Round up the uv values.
uv = ceil(uv);
// Construct UDIM value convention.
float uv_num = 1000 + (uv.x) + ((uv.y-1)*10);
// Export uv name attribute.
i@uv_name = int(uv_num);
Reference Code: 43837465
[!IMPORTANT] Mode: Points.
- Input 0: connected to points.
- Input 1: no-connected.
- Input 2: no-connected.
- Input 3: no-connected.
""" Create random integer values. """;
// Get amount of integer values.
int count = chi("count");
// Fit random value using count.
int var = int(fit01(rand(@ptnum), 0, count));
// Set variant attribute.
i@variant = var;
Reference Code: 67107636
[!IMPORTANT] Mode: Points.
- Input 0: connected to a wrangle snippet 51915380 Camera Transformations.
- Input 1: connected to a timeshift node (set the reference frame), which is connected to wrangle snippet 51915380.
- Input 2: no-connected.
- Input 3: no-connected.
""" Constraint object to camera. """;
// Get old and new computed matrix.
matrix xform_old = detail(2, "xform");
matrix xform_new = detail(1, "xform");
// Get offset matrix.
matrix offset_xform = invert(xform_old)*xform_new;
// Transform position and normals.
Reference Code: 2930099
[!NOTE] Note that this example is created in Detail, but it can be implemented in other geometry types.
[!IMPORTANT] Mode: Detail.
- Input 0: no-connected.
- Input 1: no-connected.
- Input 2: no-connected.
- Input 3: no-connected.
""" Get camera direction. """;
// Get camera to extract transformations.
string cam = chs("camera");
// Extract transformation from operator.
matrix cam_xform = optransform(cam);
// Transform static direction with rotation matrix.
vector dir = {0,0,-1}*matrix3(cam_xform);
// Export camera direction.
v@cam_dir = dir;
Reference Code: 31941042
[!IMPORTANT] Mode: Points.
- Input 0: connected to a geometry.
- Input 1: no-connected.
- Input 2: no-connected.
- Input 3: no-connected.
""" Flatten objects based on camera perspective. """;
// Get depth and camera.
float depth = chf("depth");
string cam = chs("camera");
// Transform to NDC and flatten points.
vector ndc_flatten = toNDC(cam, v@P);
// Transform back to world position.
vector flatten = fromNDC(cam, ndc_flatten);
// Export position.
v@P = flatten;
Reference Code: 1082246
[!IMPORTANT] Mode: Points.
- Input 0: connected to a default box.
- Input 1: no-connected.
- Input 2: no-connected.
- Input 3: no-connected.
""" Create camera frustum and make available the expansions. """;
// Get camera path to create the frustum from.
string cam = chs("camera");
// Initialize expansion values (x,y).
float expand_top = chf("expand_top");
float expand_bottom = chf("expand_bottom");
float expand_right = chf("expand_right");
float expand_left = chf("expand_left");
// Initialize clipping values (z).
float near_clip = chf("near_clip");
float far_clip = chf("far_clip");
// Offset position to "convert" box position into normalized
// coordinates.
vector offset_pos = set(0.5, 0.5, -0.5);
vector pos = v@P+offset_pos;
// Apply expansions based on normalized positions.
if(pos.y==1) pos.y+=expand_top;
if(pos.y==0) pos.y-=expand_bottom;
if(pos.x==1) pos.x+=expand_right;
if(pos.x==0) pos.x-=expand_left;
// Apply clipping based on normalized positions.
if(pos.z==-1) pos.z-=far_clip;
if(pos.z==0) pos.z-=near_clip;
// Set position converting from NDC coordinates to world space.
v@P = fromNDC(cam, pos);
/* In this case we inverted the process. We created an "NDC" and
we are transforming back to world space. */
Reference Code: 62282432
[!NOTE] This example is created to show how to cull primitives based on camera view. You can cull other types of geometry using the same method and the corresponding functions.
[!IMPORTANT] Mode: Primitives.
- Input 0: connected to a geometry.
- Input 1: no-connected.
- Input 2: no-connected.
- Input 3: no-connected.
""" Cull based on camera view. """;
// Get culling camera.
string cam = chs("camera");
// Initialize expansion values (x,y) and depth values.
float expand_top = chf("expand_top");
float expand_bottom = chf("expand_bottom");
float expand_right = chf("expand_right");
float expand_left = chf("expand_left");
float far = chf("far_clip");
float near = chf("near_clip");
// Convert coordinates to NDC.
vector pos = toNDC(cam, v@P);
// Check if something is outside the camera and remove it.
if(pos.y>(1+expand_top)) removeprim(0, @primnum, 1);
if(pos.y<(-expand_bottom)) removeprim(0, @primnum, 1);
if(pos.x<(-expand_left)) removeprim(0, @primnum, 1);
if(pos.x>(1+expand_right)) removeprim(0, @primnum, 1);
if(pos.z>(-near)) removeprim(0, @primnum, 1);
if(pos.z<(-far)) removeprim(0, @primnum, 1);
Reference Code: 51915380
[!NOTE] Note that this example is created in Detail, but it can be implemented in other geometry types.
[!IMPORTANT] Mode: Detail.
- Input 0: no-connected.
- Input 1: no-connected.
- Input 2: no-connected.
- Input 3: no-connected.
""" Get camera transformations. """;
// Get camera to extract transformations.
string cam = chs("camera");
// Extract transformation from operator.
matrix cam_xform = optransform(cam);
// Export translate and rotation quaternion.
v@translate = cracktransform(0,0,0,{0,0,0},cam_xform);
p@rotate = eulertoquaternion(cracktransform(0,0,1,{0,0,0},cam_xform), 0);
4@xform = cam_xform;
Reference Code: 77118676
[!IMPORTANT] Mode: Points.
- Input 0: connected to a geometry.
- Input 1: no-connected.
- Input 2: no-connected.
- Input 3: no-connected.
""" Cull camera direction view. """;
// Create function that returns prim intersection based on camera.
int primIntersect(vector pos, cam){
vector dir = normalize(cam-pos);
vector pst, uvw;
int p = intersect(0, pos, dir*1e06, pst, uvw);
return p;
// Get camera and its position.
string cam_name = chs("camera");
matrix cam_xform = optransform(cam_name);
vector cam = cracktransform(0,0,0,{0,0,0},cam_xform);
// Create direction based on current position and camera.
vector cam_dir = normalize(cam-v@P);
// Create a peaked position.
vector peak_pos = v@P+cam_dir*1e-3;
// Check if current point intersects.
int p = primIntersect(peak_pos, cam);
// Get current point neighbours.
int neigh[] = neighbours(0, @ptnum);
// Initialize checker.
int incheck;
// If the primitive intersects.
// Iterate for each neighbour.
foreach(int i; neigh){
// Get neighbour position.
vector neipos = point(0, 'P', i);
// Get current point camera direction.
vector nei_cam_dir = normalize(cam-neipos);
// Peak neighbour position using camera direction.
vector nei_peak_pos = neipos+nei_cam_dir*1e-3;
// Check if current neighbour point intersects.
int neip = primIntersect(nei_peak_pos, cam);
// Check if neighbour intersects. If so, break and update incheck value.
incheck=-1; break;
// Remove point if looking to camera.
if(p!=-1 && incheck!=-1){
removepoint(0, @ptnum);
Reference Code: 44470061
[!NOTE] This example is being created in order to show how we can convert integers into strings, not to output a specific example using actual geometry. It can be used in different contexts and situations where the input geometry might change.
[!TIP] You can use that snippet inputting the interations of a loop. For example, that would help you out to create proper naming for fracturing pieces.
[!IMPORTANT] Mode: Detail.
- Input 0: no-connected.
- Input 1: no-connected.
- Input 2: no-connected.
- Input 3: no-connected.
""" Convert integer values into strings. """;
// Create or import the integer value.
int value = 2;
// Create a name including the converted integer value.
string name = "piece_" + itoa(value);
// Export string attribute.
s@name = name;
Reference Code: 46533271
[!NOTE] This example is being created in order to show how we can convert strings into floats, not to output a specific example using actual geometry. It can be used in different contexts and situations where the input geometry might change.
[!NOTE] The str_to_flt_shash is unlikely to return the same values using different strings, but it can happen. The str_to_flt_utf won't return the same values if we use the raw utf value.
[!IMPORTANT] Mode: Detail.
- Input 0: no-connected.
- Input 1: no-connected.
- Input 2: no-connected.
- Input 3: no-connected.
""" Convert string values into floating values (basic way). """;
// Create or import the integer value.
string name = "string";
// Create a random value using the string.
float value = rand(random_shash(name));
// Export float attribute.
f@name = value;
[!IMPORTANT] Mode: Detail.
- Input 0: no-connected.
- Input 1: no-connected.
- Input 2: no-connected.
- Input 3: no-connected.
""" Convert string values into floating values (basic way). """;
// Create or import the integer value.
string name = "string";
// Decode string using utf8.
int values[] = decodeutf8(name);
// Initialize utfval.
string utfval="";
// Loop for each of the values.
foreach(int v; values){
// Convert integer to string.
string val = itoa(v);
// Concat with previous iteration.
// Create random value converting string to integer.
float value = rand(atoi(utfval));
// Export float attribute.
f@value = value;
Reference Code: 59668810
[!NOTE] This code is created to show how you can convert degrees into dot values, not to use it in any specific geometry or context example.
[!IMPORTANT] Mode: Detail.
- Input 0: no-connected.
- Input 1: no-connected.
- Input 2: no-connected.
- Input 3: no-connected.
""" Create checker using ternary conditions. """;
// Set the frequency for the scene.
float freq = chf("frequency");
// Compute vertical sections.
v@Cd = (sin(v@P.x*freq)<0)?0:1;
// Add horizontal sections.
v@Cd += (sin(v@P.z*freq)<0)?0:1;
// Check if there's coincidence and multiply by 0.
v@Cd *= (v@Cd.r==2)?0:1;
Reference Code: 25761785
[!NOTE] Note that this example was created to show how you can remap values from 0 to 1 to -1 to 1, not for some geometry or attribute modification in particular. You can use the same method to remap different values.
[!IMPORTANT] Mode: Points.
- Input 0: connected to a geometry.
- Input 1: no-connected.
- Input 2: no-connected.
- Input 3: no-connected.
""" Remap random 01 values to -11 values. """;
// Create random value between 0 and 1.
float rand = rand(@ptnum);
// Fit 0 to 1 values to -1 to 1 values.
float ramp = fit01(rand, -1, 1);
// Export -1 to 1 values.
f@rand_vale = ramp;
Reference Code: 93703926
[!NOTE] Note that the code doesn't allow to do modifications to the geometry because it is intended to be a really default box. In case you want to translate, rotate or scale, you can do it in the code by applying some transformation matrix.
[!IMPORTANT] Mode: Detail.
- Input 0: no-connected.
- Input 1: no-connected.
- Input 2: no-connected.
- Input 3: no-connected.
""" Create default box. """;
// Create reusable void function.
void createPrim(int pt0, pt1, pt2, pt3){
// Create primitives using arrays.
int prim_pts[] = array(pt0, pt1, pt2, pt3);
addprim(0,'poly', prim_pts);
// Create points.
int pt0 = addpoint(0, {0.5,-0.5,0.5});
int pt1 = addpoint(0, {0.5,-0.5,-0.5});
int pt2 = addpoint(0, {-0.5,-0.5,-0.5});
int pt3 = addpoint(0, {-0.5,-0.5,0.5});
int pt4 = addpoint(0, {0.5,0.5,0.5});
int pt5 = addpoint(0, {0.5,0.5,-0.5});
int pt6 = addpoint(0, {-0.5,0.5,-0.5});
int pt7 = addpoint(0, {-0.5,0.5,0.5});
// Create primitives using void function.
createPrim(pt0, pt1, pt2, pt3);
createPrim(pt0, pt4, pt5, pt1);
createPrim(pt1, pt5, pt6, pt2);
createPrim(pt2, pt6, pt7, pt3);
createPrim(pt3, pt7, pt4, pt0);
createPrim(pt6, pt5, pt4, pt7);
Reference Code: 95461313
[!IMPORTANT] Mode: Detail.
- Input 0: no-connected.
- Input 1: connected to a geometry.
- Input 2: no-connected.
- Input 3: no-connected.
""" Create bounding box from object. """;
// Create reusable void function.
void createPrim(int pt0, pt1, pt2, pt3){
// Create primitives using arrays.
int prim_pts[] = array(pt0, pt1, pt2, pt3);
addprim(0,'poly', prim_pts);
// Get max and min bbox dimensions.
vector max = getbbox_max(1);
vector min = getbbox_min(1);
// Create points with their max and min positions.
int pt0 = addpoint(0, set(min.x, max.y, min.z));
int pt1 = addpoint(0, set(min.x, max.y, max.z));
int pt2 = addpoint(0, set(max.x, max.y, max.z));
int pt3 = addpoint(0, set(max.x, max.y, min.z));
int pt4 = addpoint(0, set(min.x, min.y, min.z));
int pt5 = addpoint(0, set(min.x, min.y, max.z));
int pt6 = addpoint(0, set(max.x, min.y, max.z));
int pt7 = addpoint(0, set(max.x, min.y, min.z));
// Create primitives based on the proper winding.
createPrim(pt3, pt2, pt1, pt0);
createPrim(pt4, pt5, pt6, pt7);
createPrim(pt1, pt2, pt6, pt5);
createPrim(pt2, pt3, pt7, pt6);
createPrim(pt3, pt0, pt4, pt7);
createPrim(pt0, pt1, pt5, pt4);
Reference Code: 32305122
[!IMPORTANT] Mode: Details.
- Input 0: no-connected.
- Input 1: no-connected.
- Input 2: no-connected.
- Input 3: no-connected.
""" Create circle. """;
// Initialize parameters.
int div = clamp(chi("divisions"), 2, int(1e09));
float uniform_scale = chf("uniform_scale");
vector2 radius = chu("radius");
int open = chi("open_arc");
// Initialize point array to store created points.
int pts[];
// Iterate for each division points.
for(int pt=0; pt<div; pt++){
// Compute radians for each iteration.
float rad = $PI*2/div*pt;
// Compute position using radians and scaling values.
vector pos = set(cos(rad)*radius.x,
// Create point and add number to point array.
int p = addpoint(0, pos);
append(pts, p);
// Append last number to close circle.
append(pts, pts[0]);
// If user wants open geo, create a polyline. Otherwise, create a closed poly.
(open==1)? addprim(0, "polyline", pts):addprim(0, "poly", pts);
Reference Code: 61834398
[!IMPORTANT] Mode: Detail.
- Input 0: no-connected.
- Input 1: no-connected.
- Input 2: no-connected.
- Input 3: no-connected.
""" Create grid. """;
// Get size, rows and columns.
vector2 size = chu("size");
int col = clamp(chi("columns"), 2, int(1e09));
int row = clamp(chi("rows"), 2, int(1e09));
// Initialize point array.
int pts[];
// Iterate for each row.
for(int r=0; r<row;r++){
// Normalize row values.
float norm_r = r/(row-1.0);
// Iterate for each column.
for(int c=0; c<col; c++){
// Normalize column values.
float norm_c = c/(col-1.0);
// Compute x and z positions.
float posx = (0.5-norm_r)*size.x;
float posz = (0.5-norm_c)*size.y;
vector pos = set(posx,0,posz);
// Create point with computed position and append to point array.
int pt = addpoint(0, pos);
append(pts, pt);
// Iterate for each created point.
foreach(int p; pts){
// Chech if current point is in the last row or column. If so, skip it.
if(p>=(row-1)*col || (p+1)%col == 0) continue;
// Get ptnum to create poly.
int pt0 = pts[p];
int pt1 = pts[p+1];
int pt2 = pts[pt1+col];
int pt3 = pts[pt0+col];
// Create poly.
addprim(0, "poly", pt3, pt2, pt1, pt0);
Reference Code: 26615300
[!IMPORTANT] Mode: Points.
- Input 0: connected to reference points.
- Input 1: no-connected.
- Input 2: no-connected.
- Input 3: no-connected.
""" Create hanging catenary wires. """;
// Get the parabola amplitude and resolution from lines.
float a = 1-ch('parabola_amplitude');
float res = chi('res')+1;
// Initialize point array.
int pts[];
// Iterate for each input point.
for(int i=1;i<npoints(0);i++){
// Append current input point to the point array.
append(pts, i-1);
// Get current point position and next point position.
vector curr_pos = point(0,'P',i-1);
vector next_pos = point(0,'P',i);
// Iterate to create points for the line based on resolution factor.
for(int b=1;b<res;b++){
// Compute normalized line point value.
float curveu = b/res;
// Compute positions for the points.
vector pos = curr_pos + ((next_pos-curr_pos)/res)*b;
// Compute the amount of anchor displacement.
float disp_corner = a * cosh((curveu-0.5)/a);
// Compute the amount of center displacement.
float center_base = a * cosh((-0.5)/a);
// Apply offsets/
pos.y += disp_corner-center_base;
// Create point.
int pt = addpoint(0, pos);
// Append point number to the point array.
append(pts, pt);
// Append last point to the list and create the polyline.
append(pts, npoints(0)-1);
Reference Code: 58694772
[!NOTE] Note that the code only allows you to do modifications to the length and points because it is intended to be a really default line. In case you want to translate, rotate or scale, you can do it in the code by applying some transformation matrix.
[!IMPORTANT] Mode: Detail.
- Input 0: no-connected.
- Input 1: no-connected.
- Input 2: no-connected.
- Input 3: no-connected.
""" Create line. """;
// Get number of points and length for the line.
int points = chi("points");
float length = chf("length");
// Initialize point array.
int pts[];
// Iterate for each points.
for(int i=0; i<points; i++){
// Compute height value.
float height = length/(points-1);
// Create position value.
vector pos = set(0, height*i, 0);
// Create point and append to point array list.
int pt = addpoint(0, pos);
append(pts, pt);
// Create poly line using point array.
addprim(0, "polyline", pts);
Reference Code: 68118455
[!IMPORTANT] Mode: Primitive.
- Input 0: connected to a geometry.
- Input 1: no-connected.
- Input 2: no-connected.
- Input 3: no-connected.
""" Compute bbox center. """;
// Get bounding box center.
vector pos = v@P;
// Create point using the computed position.
addpoint(0, pos);
// Remove unused primitive.
removeprim(0, @primnum, 1);
Reference Code: 51628042
[!IMPORTANT] Mode: Detail.
- Input 0: no-connected.
- Input 1: no-connected.
- Input 2: no-connected.
- Input 3: no-connected.
""" Create sphere. """;
// Get rows, columns and radius.
int rows = chi("rows");
int cols = chi("columns");
vector radius = chv("radius")*2;
// Initialize point array.
int pts[];
// Iterate for each row.
for(int r=0; r<rows;r++){
// If the row is 0, create polar top point.
int pt = addpoint(0, set(0,radius.y,0));
append(pts, pt);
// If the row is 0, create polar bottom point.
else if(r==rows-1){
int pt = addpoint(0, set(0,-radius.y,0));
append(pts, pt);
// Compute height angle.
float h = r*($PI/(rows-1));
// Iterate for each column.
for(int c=0; c<cols; c++){
// Compute width angle.
float w = c*($PI*2/cols);
// Compute position point.
vector pos = set(sin(h)*cos(w), cos(h), sin(h)*sin(w))*radius;
// Create point and append to point array.
int p = addpoint(0, pos);
append(pts, p);
// Iterate for each point created.
foreach(int pt; pts){
// Get first and last rows.
int first_row[] = pts[1:cols+1];
int last_row[] = pts[-cols-1:-1];
// Create pirimitives connected to the top polar point.
foreach(int c_pt; first_row){
int next_pt = (c_pt==first_row[-1])? first_row[0]:c_pt+1;
addprim(0, "poly", pt, c_pt, next_pt, pt);
// Create pirimitives connected to the bottom polar point.
else if(pt==len(pts)-1){
foreach(int c_pt; last_row){
int next_pt = (c_pt==last_row[-1])? last_row[0]:c_pt+1;
addprim(0, "poly", pt, next_pt, c_pt, pt);
// If the current point is not in the last row, run the code.
else if(find(last_row, pt)<0){
// Get second, third and fourth point.
int f_pt = (pt%cols==0)? pt+1-cols: pt+1;
int t_pt = f_pt+cols;
int s_pt = pt+cols;
// Create primitive using all the points.
addprim(0, "poly", pt, s_pt, t_pt, f_pt);
Reference Code: 53096382
[!NOTE] Note that the snippet creates the spiral with just a few parameters to modify because it was intended to create a basic spiral. You can add more in the code if you require them.
[!IMPORTANT] Mode: Detail.
- Input 0: no-connected.
- Input 1: no-connected.
- Input 2: no-connected.
- Input 3: no-connected.
""" Create spiral. """;
// Get number of points, length, coils and radius for the spring.
int points = chi("points");
int coil = clamp(chi("coils"), 1, int(1e09));
vector2 radius = chu("radius");
// Initialize point array.
int pts[];
// Iterate for each points.
for(int i=0; i<points; i++){
// Normalize point value.
float norm_w = 1.0/(points-1);
// Get current iteration value.
float current_w = norm_w*i;
// Compute expand factor for each coil.
float expand_factor = $PI*2*current_w*coil;
// Expand in x and z axes based on expand factor, coil and radius.
float xaxis = sin(expand_factor)*expand_factor/coil;
float zaxis = cos(expand_factor)*expand_factor/coil;
// Create position value.
vector pos = set(xaxis, 0, zaxis);
// Create point and append to point array list.
int pt = addpoint(0, pos);
append(pts, pt);
// Create poly line using point array.
addprim(0, "polyline", pts);
Reference Code: 3984189
[!NOTE] Note that the snippet creates the spring with just a few parameters to modify because it was intended to create a basic spring. You can add more in the code if you require them.
[!IMPORTANT] Mode: Detail.
- Input 0: no-connected.
- Input 1: no-connected.
- Input 2: no-connected.
- Input 3: no-connected.
""" Create spring. """;
// Get number of points, length, coils and radius for the spring.
int points = chi("points");
float length = chf("length");
int coil = clamp(chi("coils"), 1, int(1e09));
vector2 radius = chu("radius");
// Initialize point array.
int pts[];
// Iterate for each points.
for(int i=0; i<points; i++){
// Compute height value.
float height = length/(points-1);
// Normalize height value.
float norm_h = height*i/length;
// Compute expand factor for each coil.
float expand_factor = $PI*2*coil*norm_h;
float xaxis = sin(expand_factor)*radius.x;
float zaxis = cos(expand_factor)*radius.y;
// Create position value.
vector pos = set(xaxis, height*i, zaxis);
// Create point and append to point array list.
int pt = addpoint(0, pos);
append(pts, pt);
// Create poly line using point array.
addprim(0, "polyline", pts);
Reference Code: 7003422
[!IMPORTANT] Mode: Detail.
- Input 0: no-connected.
- Input 1: no-connected.
- Input 2: no-connected.
- Input 3: no-connected.
""" Create torus. """;
// Get rows, columns, width and radius.
int rows = chi("rows");
int cols = chi("columns");
vector width = chv("width")*2;
vector radius = chv("radius")*2;
// Initialize point array.
int pts[];
// Iterate for each row.
for(int r=0; r<rows;r++){
// Compute height angle.
float h = r*($PI*2/(rows));
// Iterate for each column.
for(int c=0; c<cols; c++){
// Compute width angle.
float w = c*($PI*2/(cols));
// Compute position point.
vector pos = set(sin(h)*cos(w), cos(h), sin(h)*sin(w))*width;
pos+=set(cos(w), 0, sin(w))*radius;
// Create point and append to point array.
int p = addpoint(0, pos);
append(pts, p);
// Get last column point num.
int last_row[] = pts[-cols:];
// Iterate for each created points.
foreach(int pt; pts){
// Get second, third and fourth point.
int s_pt = pt+cols;
int t_pt = ((s_pt+1)%cols==0)? s_pt+1-cols:s_pt+1;
int f_pt = t_pt-cols;
// Update second, third and fourth point if the current point is inside of the last row.
if(find(last_row, pt)>=0){
s_pt = pt-last_row[0];
t_pt = (pt==last_row[-1])? 0:s_pt+1;
f_pt = last_row[0]+t_pt;
// Create primitive using all the points.
addprim(0, "poly", pt, s_pt, t_pt, f_pt);
Reference Code: 61391039
[!NOTE] Note that the code only allows you to do modifications to the columns because it is intended to be a really default tube. In case you want to translate, rotate or scale, you can do it in the code by applying some transformation matrix.
[!IMPORTANT] Mode: Detail.
- Input 0: no-connected.
- Input 1: no-connected.
- Input 2: no-connected.
- Input 3: no-connected.
""" Create default tube. """;
// Set columns.
int col = chi("columns");
// Initialize point number and point position arrays.
int all_pts[];
vector all_pos[];
// Loop 2 times to create reference winding faces.
for(int a=0; a<2;a++){
// Loop col times to create the primitive points.
for(int i=0; i<col; i++){
// Compute degrees in radians.
float rad = $PI*2/col;
// Compute the x and y axes.
float x = sin(rad*i);
float z = cos(rad*i);
// Compute positions using x and z. Use y to place points in height.
vector pos = (a)? set(x,-1,z)/2 : set(x,1,z)/2;
// Create points.
int pt = addpoint(0, pos);
// Append points and positions to arrays.
append(all_pts, pt);
append(all_pos, pos);
// Separate core primitive points into two groups.
int first_prim[] = all_pts[:col];
int second_prim[] = all_pts[col:];
// Create primitives. One with reversed windings.
addprim(0, "poly", reverse(first_prim));
addprim(0, "poly", second_prim);
// Iterate for each point of the first primitive.
for(int i=0; i<len(first_prim); i++){
// Find next equivalent position. Set first position if current point
// is the last point in the first primitive.
vector next_pos_equiv = (first_prim[i]==first_prim[-1])? all_pos[0]:all_pos[i+1];
// Invert z axis.
// Find equivalent point index. all_pos index = all_pts value
int equiv_pt = find(all_pos, next_pos_equiv);
// Canstruct winding order.
// Set first point of the first prim and last point of the second prim
// if current point is the last point in the first primitive.
int prim_pts[] = (first_prim[i]==first_prim[-1])? array(i, first_prim[0], equiv_pt, second_prim[-1]) :
array(first_prim[i], first_prim[i+1], equiv_pt, equiv_pt-1);
// Create primitive using the winding order.
addprim(0, "poly", prim_pts);
Reference Code: 11042687
[!IMPORTANT] Mode: Points.
- Input 0: connected to a geometry with v@v attribute.
- Input 1: no-connected.
- Input 2: no-connected.
- Input 3: no-connected.
""" Compute basic particle trail using velocity. """;
// Compute velocity using fps.
vector comp_vel = v@v*f@TimeInc;
// Compute new position.
vector new_pos = v@P-comp_vel;
// Create point based on velocity.
int pt = addpoint(0, new_pos);
// Create polyline.
addprim(0, "polyline", @ptnum, pt);
Reference Code: 69877006
[!NOTE] Note that there are two different approaches to getting a similar result. The check_inside_pts_geo is limited because it requires a clean geometry without self-intersections, but it doesn't require an additional step converting the geometry into sdf. Meantime, the check_inside_pts_vol is more stable for self-intersecting geometries, but it requires the mentioned additional step.
[!IMPORTANT] Mode: Points.
- Input 0: connected to a geometry.
- Input 1: connected to a bounding geometry.
- Input 2: no-connected.
- Input 3: no-connected.
""" Check if point is inside of geometry without volumes. """;
// Initialize primitive and parametric coords.
vector uvw; int prim;
// Capture primitive and parametric coords.
xyzdist(1, v@P, prim, uvw);
// Get position and normal ray intersection information.
vector pos = primuv(1, "P", prim, uvw);
vector norm = primuv(1, "N", prim, uvw);
// Compute direction vector between two points.
vector dir = normalize(v@P-pos);
// Check dot product between direction and normal.
float dot = dot(dir, norm);
// Create a group to contain the inside points.
if(dot<0) setpointgroup(0, "inside", @ptnum, 1);
[!IMPORTANT] Mode: Points.
- Input 0: connected to a geometry.
- Input 1: connected to a bounding sdf volume.
- Input 2: no-connected.
- Input 3: no-connected.
""" Check if point is inside of geometry with volumes. """;
// Sample signed distance field volume.
float dist = volumesample(1, 0, v@P);
// Create a group to contain the inside points.
if(dist<0) setpointgroup(0, "inside", @ptnum, 1);
Reference Code: 21550162
[!IMPORTANT] Mode: Detail.
- Input 0: connected to a geometry.
- Input 1: no-connected.
- Input 2: no-connected.
- Input 3: no-connected.
""" Error and warning based on condition. """;
// Get geometry type.
string geo_type = primintrinsic(0, "typename", @primnum);
// If volume or VDB, error.
if(geo_type=="Volume" || geo_type=="VDB"){
error("The type %s is not valid. Please use a different type of geometry.", geo_type);
// If PackedGeometry, warning.
else if(geo_type=="PackedGeometry"){
warning("The type %s is valid, but might output unexpected results.", geo_type);
Reference Code: 50655883
[!IMPORTANT] Mode: Primitives.
- Input 0: connected to a geometry.
- Input 1: no-connected.
- Input 2: no-connected.
- Input 3: no-connected.
""" Group ngons to fix them later. """;
// Detect amount of points composing each primitive.
int pts[] = primpoints(0, i@primnum);
// Check if length of the array is bigger than 4.
// Set point group.
setprimgroup(0, "ngons", i@primnum, 1);
Reference Code: 9604585
[!TIP] You can eventually accumulate the values to get a similar output as the measure node would return.
[!IMPORTANT] Mode: Primitives.
- Input 0: connected to a geometry.
- Input 1: no-connected.
- Input 2: no-connected.
- Input 3: no-connected.
""" Get dimension values from intrinsic attributes. """;
// Set volume, area and perimeter.
f@volume = primintrinsic(0, "measuredvolume", @primnum);
f@area = primintrinsic(0, "measuredarea", @primnum);
f@perimeter = primintrinsic(0, "measuredarea", @primnum);
Reference Code: 914613
[!NOTE] Checking the primitive type can allow you to treat the input geometry in a different way. For example, if the input geometry is packed, you'll probably require to apply a different treatment compared to an unpacked one.
[!IMPORTANT] Mode: Primitives.
- Input 0: connected to a geometry.
- Input 1: no-connected.
- Input 2: no-connected.
- Input 3: no-connected.
""" Get primitive type from intrinsic attributes. """;
// Set primitive type.
s@prim_type = primintrinsic(0, "typename", @primnum);
Reference Code: 37135085
[!NOTE] Note that this example is not created in any context because it is intended to be a basic example. You can consult the SideFX VEX Functions to get more into details, but those are the techniques that I commonly use to debug my code.
[!IMPORTANT] Mode: Detail.
- Input 0: no-connected.
- Input 1: no-connected.
- Input 2: no-connected.
- Input 3: no-connected.
""" Print values to the console. """;
// Print depending on the dataype.
printf("This is an example of how you would print a vector value: %g\n\n", {0,1,0});
printf("This is an example of how you would print a float value: %f\n\n", $PI);
printf("This is an example of how you would print a string value: %s\n\n", "Hello World!");
printf("This is an example of how you would print a integer value: %d\n\n", 1);
printf("This is an example of how you would print a %% sign: %%\n\n", 1);
Reference Code: 46938032
[!IMPORTANT] Mode: Primitives.
- Input 0: connected to a polyline.
- Input 1: no-connected.
- Input 2: no-connected.
- Input 3: no-connected.
""" Carve curve. """;
// Include groom library.
#include <groom.h>
// Get the distance to keep.
float dist = chf('distance');
// Get intrinsic perimeter
float p = primintrinsic(0, 'measuredperimeter', @primnum);
// Clamp distance.
float trim = clamp(dist, 0, p);
// Adjust the primitive length.
adjustPrimLength(0, @primnum, p, trim);
Reference Code: 38465172
[!IMPORTANT] Mode: Primitives.
- Input 0: connected to a geometry.
- Input 1: no-connected.
- Input 2: no-connected.
- Input 3: no-connected.
""" Fix overlaps. """;
// Get prim points.
int prim_pts[] = primpoints(0, @primnum);
// Initialize primitive list.
int prim_lst[];
// Iterate for each point in the current primitive.
foreach(int pt; prim_pts){
// Get primitives of the current point.
int pt_prims[] = pointprims(0, pt);
// Iterate for each point primitives.
foreach(int prim; pt_prims){
// Get primitive position.
vector prim_pos = prim(0, "P", prim);
// Get distance between current pos and prim pos.
float dist = distance(v@P, prim_pos);
// Append if distance is ok and is not in the prim list.
if(dist<1e-5 && find(prim_lst, prim)<0) append(prim_lst, prim);
// Sort prim list and remove last index.
prim_lst = sort(prim_lst);
removeindex(prim_lst, -1);
// Iterate for each of the overlap faces and remove them.
foreach(int prim; prim_lst){
removeprim(0, prim, 1);
Reference Code: 28848869
[!IMPORTANT] Mode: Points.
- Input 0: connected to a geometry.
- Input 1: no-connected.
- Input 2: no-connected.
- Input 3: no-connected.
""" Fuse coincident points. """;
// Get points in the same position.
int nearpts[] = nearpoints(0, v@P, 1e-5, int(1e09));
// Store last index.
int keep_pt = nearpts[-1];
// Remove last index
removeindex(nearpts, -1);
// Check if current point is the keep point.
// Iterate for each coincident points.
foreach(int pt; nearpts){
// Get vertices for current point.
int vtxs[] = pointvertices(0, pt);
// If the list contain vertices, run loop.
// Iterate for each vertex.
foreach(int vtx; vtxs){
// Set vertex for points.
setvertexpoint(0, -1, vtx, @ptnum);
// Remove point.
removepoint(0, pt);
Reference Code: 26542349
[!IMPORTANT] Mode: Points.
- Input 0: connected to points with v@v attribute.
- Input 1: no-connected.
- Input 2: no-connected.
- Input 3: no-connected.
""" Remove based on speed. """;
// Get speed threshold.
float speed_thr = chf("speed_threshold");
// Compute speed.
float speed = length(v@v);
// Remove based on speed.
if(speed<speed_thr)removepoint(0, @ptnum);
Reference Code: 30331484
[!NOTE] You can remove other types of geometry using the corresponding remove functions.
[!TIP] Remember that you can use the @id attribute instead of the @ptnum to be consistent, but it needs to be precomputed.
[!IMPORTANT] Mode: Points.
- Input 0: connected to a geometry.
- Input 1: no-connected.
- Input 2: no-connected.
- Input 3: no-connected.
""" Remove by threshold. """;
// Create a random value betweem 0 and 1 for each point.
float rand_value = rand(@ptnum);
// Check if the value is smaller than the threshold.
// Remove point.
removepoint(0, @ptnum);
Reference Code: 11943207
[!IMPORTANT] Mode: Points.
- Input 0: connected to a geometry.
- Input 1: no-connected.
- Input 2: no-connected.
- Input 3: no-connected.
""" Remove unused points. """;
// Get neighbour count.
int count = neighbourcount(0, @ptnum);
// Remove point if count is 0.
if(count==0) removepoint(0, @ptnum);
Reference Code: 47201184
[!NOTE] This example is being created in order to show how to convert a point string attribute into a point group. You can do the same process for the other geometry types, but you have to make sure that the attribute that you are using is a string.
[!WARNING] Don't use attributes with a lot of different values... You don't want to get a lot of groups.
[!IMPORTANT] Mode: Points.
- Input 0: connected to a geometry.
- Input 1: no-connected.
- Input 2: no-connected.
- Input 3: no-connected.
""" Create checker using ternary conditions. """;
// Set the frequency for the scene.
float freq = chf("frequency");
// Compute vertical sections.
v@Cd = (sin(v@P.x*freq)<0)?0:1;
// Add horizontal sections.
v@Cd += (sin(v@P.z*freq)<0)?0:1;
// Check if there's coincidence and multiply by 0.
v@Cd *= (v@Cd.r==2)?0:1;
Reference Code: 10643779
[!CAUTION] This method doesn't replace the group expand functionality. If you pretend to expand the groups a lot, please use the group expand node because adding too many expansion steps could result in a memory related crash.
[!NOTE] Note that there are 2 examples: expand_point_grp and expand_prim_grp. The expand_prim_grp required a different and a bit slower approach compared to expand_point_grp because the intention of this snippet is to try to mimic the output from the group expand node. You could use the same process as the expand_point_grp for primitives just by using the polyneighbour function and modifying other geometry type related functions.
[!IMPORTANT] Mode: Points.
- Input 0: connected to a geometry.
- Input 1: no-connected.
- Input 2: no-connected.
- Input 3: no-connected.
""" Expand point group. """;
// Get expand steps.
int steps = chi("steps");
// Get group name and get points in the group.
string pt_grp = chs("point_group");
int pts[] = expandpointgroup(0, pt_grp);
// Initialize previous primitive group.
int prev[] = array(@ptnum);
// Check if the current point is in the group.
if(find(pts, @ptnum)>=0){
// Iterate for each of the steps.
for(int i=0; i<steps; i++){
// Initialize neighbour points array.
int step_neis[];
// Interate for each previous point.
foreach(int a; prev){
// Get neighbour points.
int neis[] = neighbours(0, a);
// Iterate for each of the neighbours.
foreach(int nei; neis){
// Check if point is already in the group.
if(find(pts, nei)<0){
// Append point to setp_neis and set point group.
append(step_neis, nei);
setpointgroup(0, pt_grp, nei, 1);
// Update last step points.
prev = step_neis;
[!IMPORTANT] Mode: Primitives.
- Input 0: connected to a geometry.
- Input 1: no-connected.
- Input 2: no-connected.
- Input 3: no-connected.
""" Expand primitive group. """;
// Get expand steps.
int steps = chi("steps");
// Get group name and get primitives in the group.
string prim_grp = chs("primitive_group");
int prims[] = expandprimgroup(0, prim_grp);
// Initialize previous primitive group.
int prev[] = array(@primnum);
// Check if the current primitive is in the group.
if(find(prims, @primnum)>=0){
// Iterate for each of the steps.
for(int i=0; i<steps; i++){
// Initialize connected prims array.
int step_conn[];
// Interate for each previous primitive.
foreach(int a; prev){
// Get points from primitive.
int prim_pts[] = primpoints(0, a);
// Initialize adjacent prims and iterate for each point.
int adj[];
foreach(int pt; prim_pts){
// Get primitives from points and append them to adj.
int pt_prims[] = pointprims(0, pt);
foreach(int prim; pt_prims){
append(adj, prim);
// Iterate for each of adjacent primitives.
foreach(int prim; adj){
if(find(prims, prim)<0 && find(prev, prim)<0 && find(step_conn, prim)<0){
// Append primitive to setp_conn and set prim group.
append(step_conn, prim);
setprimgroup(0, prim_grp, prim, 1);
// Update last step prims.
prev = step_conn;
Reference Code: 50168045
[!IMPORTANT] Mode: Primitives.
- Input 0: connected to a geometry.
- Input 1: no-connected.
- Input 2: no-connected.
- Input 3: no-connected.
""" Group flat edges. """;
// Get number of points for current primitive.
int npts = len(primpoints(0, @primnum));
// Get first half edge.
int hedge = primhedge(0, @primnum);
// Iterate for each of the prim points.
for(int i=0; i<npts; i++){
// Get next equivalent half edge and its primitive.
int next_equiv = hedge_nextequiv(0, hedge);
int prim = hedge_prim(0, next_equiv);
// Get equivalent edge prim position.
vector equiv_pos = prim(0, "P", prim);
// Get source and destiny points.
int src_pt = hedge_srcpoint(0, hedge);
int dst_pt = hedge_dstpoint(0, hedge);
// Get position from source and destiny positions.
vector src_pos = point(0, "P", src_pt);
vector dst_pos = point(0, "P", dst_pt);
// Get the middle point between destiny and source.
vector mid_pt = (dst_pos+src_pos)/2;
// Get edge direction vector.
vector hedge_dir = normalize(dst_pos-src_pos);
// Get get prim and equiv prim direction vector.
vector prim_dir = normalize(equiv_pos-v@P);
// Compute the cross vector between half edge dir and prim dir.
vector ref_vec = normalize(cross(hedge_dir, prim_dir));
// Get direction vector between edge mid point, current position
// and equivalent prim position.
vector curr_vec = normalize(mid_pt-v@P);
vector equiv_vec = normalize(mid_pt-equiv_pos);
// Check the dot product using the reference vector.
// 0.01 is used as a threshold value because dot product outputs really small values.
if(abs(dot(ref_vec, curr_vec))<0.01 && abs(dot(ref_vec, equiv_vec))<0.01){
// Set edge group using source and destiny points.
setedgegroup(0, "flat_edge", src_pt, dst_pt, 1);
// Update to next half edge.
hedge = hedge_next(0, hedge);
Reference Code: 25639790
[!IMPORTANT] Mode: Primitives.
- Input 0: connected to a geometry.
- Input 1: no-connected.
- Input 2: no-connected.
- Input 3: no-connected.
""" Group unshared points. """;
// Get amount of points composing the current primitive.
int pts = len(primpoints(0, @primnum));
// Get initial half edge of the current primitive.
int init_hedge = primhedge(0, @primnum);
// Iterate as many times as points the primitive has.
for(int i=0; i<pts; i++){
// Get next equivalent (opposite half edge) of the current half edge.
int equiv = hedge_nextequiv(0, init_hedge);
// Get primitive number that contains the equivalent half edge.
int prim = hedge_prim(0, equiv);
// If the opposite primitive is the same as current, it means
// that it doesn't have another primitive connected.
// Check for the destiny and source point for the half edge.
int pt_dst = hedge_dstpoint(0, equiv);
int pt_src = hedge_srcpoint(0, equiv);
// Set unshared point group.
setpointgroup(0, "unshared", pt_dst, 1);
setpointgroup(0, "unshared", pt_src, 1);
// Once iteration is finished, move to the next half edge of the
// same primitive.
init_hedge = hedge_next(0, init_hedge);
Reference Code: 54775006
[!NOTE] Note that in this example we check the pattern using the name attribute. You can use a different string attribute and add some more complexity to the conditional to make it more useful.
[!IMPORTANT] Mode: Points.
- Input 0: connected to a geometry with s@name attribute.
- Input 1: no-connected.
- Input 2: no-connected.
- Input 3: no-connected.
""" Convert name attribute pattern into group. """;
// Get group name and pattern.
string grp_name = chs("group_name");
string pattern = chs("pattern");
// Check if name matches the pattern and set the group
if(match(pattern, s@name)) setpointgroup(0, grp_name, @ptnum, 1);
Reference Code: 73004854
[!NOTE] This example is created to show how to remove point groups. You can remove other groups from other geometry types by using the corresponding geometry type functions.
[!IMPORTANT] Mode: Points.
- Input 0: connected to a geometry.
- Input 1: no-connected.
- Input 2: no-connected.
- Input 3: no-connected.
""" Remove point attributes. """;
// Get groups to remove and separate them.
string grps = chs("groups");
string grp_list[] = split(grps, " ");
// Get all groups.
string grp_check[] = detailintrinsic(0, "primgroups");
// Iterate for each group in the list.
foreach(string grp; grp_list){
// If the group exists, remove it.
if(find(grp_check, grp)>=0){
removepointgroup(0, grp);
// If the group doesn't exist, raise a warning.
warning("%s group doesn't exist or it is not valid.", grp);
Reference Code: 98260679
[!IMPORTANT] Mode: Detail.
- Input 0: connected to a geometry.
- Input 1: no-connected.
- Input 2: no-connected.
- Input 3: no-connected.
""" Remove unused groups. """;
// Get point groups and remove if number of items is 0.
string pt_grps[] = detailintrinsic(0, "pointgroups");
foreach(string grp; pt_grps) (npointsgroup(0, grp)==0)? removepointgroup(0, grp): 1;
// Get prim groups and remove if number of items is 0.
string prim_grps[] = detailintrinsic(0, "primitivegroups");
foreach(string grp; prim_grps) (nprimitivesgroup(0, grp)==0)? removeprimgroup(0, grp): 1;
// Get vertex groups and remove if number of items is 0.
string vxt_grps[] = detailintrinsic(0, "vertexgroups");
foreach(string grp; vxt_grps) (nverticesgroup(0, grp)==0)? removevertexgroup(0, grp): 1;
Reference Code: 77666090
[!NOTE] This example needs to be tested inside a CVEX Shader Builder with a Inline Code node. It requires the creation of some external parameters to link the STMap file, aperture and focal length of the camera.
[!NOTE] To be able to use it in Karma, you'll need to create an HDA and embbed the code into it. For mantra works without having to explicitly create that HDA.
[!TIP] You can link the parameters from the CVEX Shader Builder to the actual camera values.
[!IMPORTANT] Mode: VEX Shader.
Input 0: bind x axis.
Input 1: bind y axis.
Input 2: bind aspect.
Input 3: aperture value parameter node.
Input 4: focal length value parameter node.
Input 5: STMap file value parameter node.
Output 0: P as a Vector value.
Output 1: I as a Vector value.
""" Camera lens shader based on STMap. """;
// x and y is on a -1 to 1 space, we need to switch to ndc.
float ox = fit(x, -1, 1, 0, 1);
float oy = fit(y, -1, 1, 0, 1);
// Get color from the STMap and move distortion to center.
vector c = colormap(file, ox, oy)-0.5;
// Set postion.
$P = set(0, 0, 0);
// Set ray direction and length based on focus length and aperture.
$I = set(c.x, c.y / aspect, (fo/ap));
Reference Code: 88325985
[!IMPORTANT] Mode: Points.
- Input 0: connected to a geometry.
- Input 1: no-connected.
- Input 2: no-connected.
- Input 3: no-connected.
""" Create pump values. """;
// Get ratio for the pump.
float ratio = chf("ratio");
// Compute pump using ratio and normalize it.
float pump = (f@Frame%ratio)/ratio;
// Compute pump spline.
pump = spline(array("linear"), pump, array(0, 1, 0, 1), array(0, 0.75, 0.9, 1));
// Export color pump attribute.
v@Cd = pump;
Reference Code: 87482557
[!NOTE] This code is created to show how you can set up a condition using the @Frame. You can use it in different contexts, types of geometry and in more complex conditionals.
[!IMPORTANT] Mode: Detail.
- Input 0: no-connected.
- Input 1: no-connected.
- Input 2: no-connected.
- Input 3: no-connected.
""" Run code at specific frame. """;
// If frame is equal to 10, run the code.
// Print formatted string.
printf("This condition runs at frame %d.", @Frame);
Reference Code: 209363
[!IMPORTANT] Mode: Points.
- Input 0: connected to a geometry to deform.
- Input 1: connected to a deformed rest geometry.
- Input 2: no-connected.
- Input 3: no-connected.
"""Capture the close points and weights""";
//Capture close points between lowres and highres rest pose.
float maxdist = chf('maxdist');
int maxpts = chi('maxpts');
int npts[] = nearpoints(1, v@P, maxdist, maxpts);
// Store captured points.
i[]@npts = npts;
//Iterate for each captured point and compute the distance to generate the weights.
float weights[];
foreach(int val; npts){
vector npos = point(1, 'P', val);
float ndist = distance(v@P, npos);
//Invert values to have higher values being closer to its reference point
ndist = fit(ndist, 0, maxdist, 1, 0);
push(weights, ndist);
// Store captured weights.
f[]@weights = weights;
[!IMPORTANT] Mode: Points.
- Input 0: connected to a deformed rest geometry.
- Input 1: connected to a deformed animated geometry.
- Input 2: no-connected.
- Input 3: no-connected.
""" Retrieve offset comparing original rest and anim geometry. """;
//Get the basic translation offset
vector npos = point(1, 'P', @ptnum);
v@offset = npos-v@P;
//Get neighbours to create the animated axis for the matrix
int npts[] = neighbours(0, @ptnum);
vector ndir = point(1, 'P', npts[0]);
vector tan1 = npos - ndir;
ndir = point(1, 'P', npts[1]);
vector tan2 = npos - ndir;
vector up = cross(tan1, tan2);
//Create the animated matrix for each of the points
matrix3 xformnew = maketransform(normalize(tan1), normalize(up));
//Create the reference axis for the matrix
ndir = point(0, 'P', npts[0]);
tan1 = v@P - ndir;
ndir = point(0, 'P', npts[1]);
tan2 = v@P - ndir;
up = cross(tan1, tan2);
matrix3 xformold = maketransform(normalize(tan1), normalize(up));
//Create the offset using addition method = invert(reference matrix)* new matrix
matrix3 totalxform = invert(xformold)*xformnew;
3@xform = totalxform;
[!IMPORTANT] Mode: Points.
- Input 0: connected to capture node.
- Input 1: connected to get_offset_matrix node.
- Input 2: no-connected.
- Input 3: no-connected.
"""Set deformation for the new geometry""";
//Initialize values and store attributes inside statements
float weights[] = f[]@weights;
int npts[] = i[]@npts;
float sumweights = 0;
vector sumoffsets = {0,0,0};
int val = 0;
//Offset based on its weigth and capture point
foreach(int npt; npts){
//Retrieve xform, position and offset from anim
vector opos = point(1, 'P', npt);
matrix3 xform = point(1, 'xform', npt);
vector offset = point(1, 'offset', npt);
//Transform to the center, apply xform transformations and bring back transforms
vector pos = v@P;
pos -= opos;
pos *= xform;
pos += opos;
pos -= v@P;
//Add basic displacement to the point
offset += pos;
//Multiply offset by weights to transform based on relative position, add all influenced offsets and add all the weights
offset *= weights[val];
sumweights += weights[val];
sumoffsets += offset;
//Get final offset based on the influence of the weights
vector finaloffset = sumoffsets / sumweights;
v@P += finaloffset;
Reference Code: 39569619
[!NOTE] The simplicity of the method makes the process quite limitated. The deformed rest geometry should be quite similar as the geometry that you want to deform in terms of shape.
[!IMPORTANT] Mode: Points.
- Input 0: connected to a geometry to deform.
- Input 1: connected to a deformed rest geometry.
- Input 2: connected to a deformed animated geometry.
- Input 3: no-connected.
""" Deform poitn position based on rest and animated geometry. """;
// Initialize primitive and uv intrinsic coordinates.
int prim; vector uvw;
xyzdist(1, v@P, prim, uvw);
// Retrieve the position value from the animated geometry.
vector pos = primuv(2, "P", prim, uvw);
// Set position.
v@P = pos;
Reference Code: 32956689 transform
[!IMPORTANT] Mode: Points.
- Input 0: connected to a geometry.
- Input 1: no-connected.
- Input 2: no-connected.
- Input 3: no-connected.
""" Transform object based on input values.""";
// Initialize world space matrix.
matrix orig_matrix = ident();
// Create scale vector and transform matrix.
vector scale = chv("scale");
scale(orig_matrix, scale);
// Create rotation vector.
vector rot = chv("rotation");
// Rotate function uses radians, so we convert degrees to radians.
// Value 1 stands for X. Value 2 stands for Y. Value 4 stands for Z.
rotate(orig_matrix, radians(rot.x), 1);
rotate(orig_matrix, radians(rot.y), 2);
rotate(orig_matrix, radians(rot.z), 4);
// Create translate vector and transform matrix.
vector trans = chv("translation");
translate(orig_matrix, trans);
// Set transformations.
Reference Code: 61849155
[!TIP] You can interpolate other values just by replicating the position workflow.
[!IMPORTANT] Mode: Points.
- Input 0: connected to a geometry.
- Input 1: connected to the deformed Input 0 geometry.
- Input 2: no-connected.
- Input 3: no-connected.
""" Blend between shapes. """;
// Get bias for the blend shape.
float bias = chf("bias");
// Get position equivalent point number position attribute.
vector pos = point(1, "P", @ptnum);
// Interpolate between the two positions using bias.
vector final_pos = lerp(v@P, pos, bias);
// Set final position.
v@P = final_pos;
Reference Code: 29263487
[!NOTE] In the example, the normal is used to compute the offset matrix. You can eventually use your custom attribute just by changing the corresponding variable values.
[!IMPORTANT] Mode: Points.
- Input 0: connected to a rest geometry.
- Input 1: connected to a deformed geometry.
- Input 2: no-connected.
- Input 3: no-connected.
""" Compute rotation offset matrix. """;
// Get the up vector from input 1.
vector N = v@opinput1_N;
// Compute offset rotation with dihedral.
matrix3 rot_offset = dihedral(v@N, N);
// Store offset matrix.
3@rot = rot_offset;
Reference Code: 28567025
[!TIP] You can add some additional logic to set up the edge that should be rotated. In this example, the rotation is done using the first half-edge.
[!IMPORTANT] Mode: Points.
- Input 0: connected to a 479350 unique_points wrangle that is connected to a geometry.
- Input 1: no-connected.
- Input 2: no-connected.
- Input 3: no-connected.
""" Rotate using the edge. """;
// Get degrees of rotation for the primitive.
float degrees = chf("degrees");
// Get prim points get number of maximum possible edges.
int pts[] = primpoints(0, @primnum);
int next_edge = clamp(chi("next_edge"), 0, len(pts)-1);
// Initialize half edge.
int hedge = primhedge(0, @primnum);
// Update half edge if user inputs next edge.
for(int p=0; p<next_edge; p++){
hedge = hedge_next(0, hedge);
// Iterate for each prim point.
foreach(int pt; pts){
// Get original position for current point.
vector orig_pos = point(0, "P", pt);
// Get source and destiny half edge points.
int src_num = hedge_srcpoint(0, hedge);
int dst_num = hedge_dstpoint(0, hedge);
// Get source and destiny half edge point positions.
vector src_pos = point(0, "P", src_num);
vector dst_pos = point(0, "P", dst_num);
// Compute rotation direction.
vector dir = normalize(dst_pos-src_pos);
// Compute middle edge position.
vector mid_pos = (src_pos+dst_pos)/2;
// Initialize matrix.
matrix xform = ident();
// Transform points to the center of the world.
translate(xform, -mid_pos);
// Rotate points based on angle.
rotate(xform, radians(degrees), dir);
// Transform points back to the original position.
translate(xform, mid_pos);
// Add new transformation to original position.
vector pos = orig_pos*xform;
// Export point position.
setpointattrib(0, "P", pt, pos);
Reference Code: 30376309
[!NOTE] This method pretends to output a similar result as a extract transform node would do.
[!IMPORTANT] Mode: Detail.
- Input 0: no-connected.
- Input 1: connected to a rest geometry.
- Input 2: connected to a transformed geometry.
- Input 3: no-connected.
"""Retrieve offset comparing original rest and moving poses. """;
// Get point neighbour point.
int nb_pts = neighbour(1, 0, 0);
// Get the position of transformed point.
vector nb_pos = point(2, 'P', 0);
// Compute zaxis based on current and neighbour point direction.
vector zaxis = normalize(nb_pos - point(2, 'P', nb_pts));
// Use normal to create y axis.
vector yaxis = point(2, "N", 0);
// Store transformation matrix from transformed axis and position point.
matrix trans_xform = maketransform(zaxis, yaxis, nb_pos);
// Get the position of rest point.
nb_pos = point(1, "P", 0);
// Compute zaxis based on current and neighbour point direction.
zaxis = normalize(point(1, "P", 0) - point(1, 'P', nb_pts));
// Use normal to create y axis.
yaxis = point(1, "N", 0);
// Store transformation matrix from rest axis and position point.
matrix rest_xform = maketransform(zaxis, yaxis, nb_pos);
// Compute offset matrix by inverting rest matrix.
matrix totalxform = invert(rest_xform)*trans_xform;
// Create point and set the attribute.
int pt = addpoint(0, {0,0,0});
setpointattrib(0, "xform", pt, totalxform);
[!IMPORTANT] Mode: Points.
- Input 0: connected to a rest geometry.
- Input 1: connected to the get_offset_matrix node.
- Input 2: no-connected.
- Input 3: no-connected.
""" Reset transformations. """;
// Retrieve xform attribute.
matrix xform = point(1, "xform", 0);
// Apply transformations to the position.
// Apply transformations to the normal.
Reference Code: 479350
[!IMPORTANT] Mode: Primitives.
- Input 0: connected to a geometry.
- Input 1: no-connected.
- Input 2: no-connected.
- Input 3: no-connected.
""" Unique points to split primitives. """;
// Get prim position and its points.
vector prim_pos = v@P;
int prim_pts[] = primpoints(0, @primnum);
// Initialize point array.
int pts[];
// Iterate for each point in the primitive.
foreach(int pt; prim_pts){
// Get current point position and normal.
vector pt_pos = point(0, "P", pt);
vector normal = point(0, "N", pt);
// Create the new point and set the normal.
int new_pt = addpoint(0, pt_pos);
setpointattrib(0, "N", new_pt, normal);
// Append current point to the points array.
append(pts, new_pt);
// Create new primitive and remove current one.
addprim(0, "poly", pts);
removeprim(0, @primnum, 1);
[!IMPORTANT] Mode: Points.
- Input 0: connected to unique_points.
- Input 1: no-connected.
- Input 2: no-connected.
- Input 3: no-connected.
""" Inset primitives. """;
// Get inset value.
float inset = chf("inset");
// Get primitive connected to current point.
int pt_prim = pointprims(0, @ptnum)[0];
// Get connected primitive position.
vector prim_pos = prim(0, "P", pt_prim);
// Linear interpolation based on inset.
vector pos = lerp(v@P, prim_pos, inset);
// Export position attribute.
v@P = pos;
Reference Code: 55905505
[!IMPORTANT] Mode: Points.
- Input 0: connected to a scatter node.
- Input 1: no-connected.
- Input 2: no-connected.
- Input 3: no-connected.
""" Jitter point position. """;
// Create function to rand values between -1 and 1.
function float randVal(int id; float seed){
// Randomize values between -1 and 1 and return the value.
float rand = fit01(rand(id+seed), -1, 1);
return rand;
// Initialize jitter parameters.
int is_id = chi("id");
string id_attr = chs("id_attribute");
float scale = chf("scale");
float seed = chf("seed");
vector axis_scale = chv("axis_scale");
// Check if user wants to input id attribute.
int id = (is_id==1)?point(0, id_attr, @ptnum):@ptnum;
// Create directional vector.
vector dir = set(randVal(id, seed),
randVal(id, seed+1),
randVal(id, seed+2))*axis_scale;
// Set new position.
Reference Code: 92501258
[!IMPORTANT] Mode: Points.
- Input 0: connected to a geometry.
- Input 1: no-connected.
- Input 2: no-connected.
- Input 3: no-connected.
""" Peak object using normals. """;
// Get peak value.
float peak = chf("peak");
// Mult normals and peak value.
vector push = v@N*peak;
// Add peak.
Reference Code: 56272568
[!IMPORTANT] Mode: Points.
- Input 0: connected to a geometry.
- Input 1: no-connected.
- Input 2: no-connected.
- Input 3: no-connected.
""" Push point over the surface. """;
// Get maximum and minimum position values.
vector max_bbox = getbbox_max(0);
vector min_bbox = getbbox_min(0);
// Compute normalize height.
float norm_height = fit(v@P.y, min_bbox.y, max_bbox.y, 1, 0);
// Compute offset based on normalized height and add it to current position.
float pos = v@P.y+abs(min_bbox.y)*norm_height;
// Remap normalized height.
norm_height = chramp("push_remap", norm_height);
// Interpolate between current yaxis and new yaxis position using remapped norm_height.
float final_ypos = lerp(v@P.y, pos, norm_height);
// Clamp negative values.
v@P.y=clamp(final_ypos, 0, max_bbox.y);
Reference Code: 77468763
[!IMPORTANT] Mode: Points.
- Input 0: connected to a geometry.
- Input 1: connected to a snapping geometry.
- Input 2: no-connected.
- Input 3: no-connected.
""" Ray minimum distance without volumes. """;
// Get closes position value.
vector minpos = minpos(1, v@P);
// Set position.
v@P = minpos;
Reference Code: 35046837
[!IMPORTANT] Mode: Points.
- Input 0: connected to a geometry.
- Input 1: no-connected.
- Input 2: no-connected.
- Input 3: no-connected.
""" Recreate bend behaviour. """;
// Get origin and capture direction vector to offset can capture deformation.
vector origin = chv("origin");
vector cap_dir = chv("capture_direction");
// Get capture length and bend angle.
float caplen = chf("caplen");
float bend_angle = chf("bend_angle");
// If the bend angle is less than 0.01, clamp the value.
bend_angle = (abs(bend_angle)<0.01)? sign(bend_angle)*0.01:bend_angle;
// Get offset matrix between two vectors.
matrix3 init_rot = dihedral(cap_dir,{1,0,0});
// Transform object to comfortable position.
vector deformed_pos = v@P-origin;
// If the deformed position in x (comfortable position) is bigger than 0 and the angle is not 0, run the code.
// This method won't compute deformation if values are below the origin.
if(deformed_pos.x>0 && bend_angle!=0){
// Compute normalized position.
float capture_u = deformed_pos.x / caplen;
// Compute radius of the transforming circumference.
float rad = caplen/radians(bend_angle);
// Initialize final position.
vector final_pos;
// If point is over the capture value, run the code.
// Initialize rotation matrix and rotate points.
matrix rot = ident();
rotate(rot, radians(bend_angle), 4);
// Create final position for points over the capture length.
final_pos = set(deformed_pos.x-caplen, deformed_pos.y-rad, deformed_pos.z)*rot+set(0, rad, 0);
// Create angle values for each point.
float norm_bend = capture_u*bend_angle;
float bend_amt = radians(norm_bend);
// Initialize rotation matrix and rotate points.
matrix rot = ident();
rotate(rot, bend_amt, 4);
// Create final position for points inside the capture length.
final_pos = set(0, deformed_pos.y-rad, deformed_pos.z)*rot+set(0, rad, 0);
// Export final postion.
v@P = final_pos*invert(init_rot)+origin;
Reference Code: 99265810
[!TIP] Add the snippet in a for loop and feedback each iteration to smooth the object multiple times. We are able to layer smooth interations with just one wrangle, but it takes too long to compute.
[!IMPORTANT] Mode: Points.
- Input 0: connected to a geometry.
- Input 1: no-connected.
- Input 2: no-connected.
- Input 3: no-connected.
""" Smooth geometry. """;
// Get point neighbours.
int neis[] = neighbours(0, @ptnum);
// Initialize median position with current position value.
vector med_pos[] = array(v@P);
// Iterate for each neighbour.
foreach(int n; neis){
// Get neighbour position and append to median list.
vector pos = point(0, "P", n);
append(med_pos, pos);
// Export position attribute by dividing all positions by number of points.
v@P = sum(med_pos) / (len(neis)+1);
Reference Code: 29873726
[!TIP] Use an attribute copy plugging a grid with a texture map. The code creates the orientation to follow the camera view.
[!IMPORTANT] Mode: Points.
- Input 0: connected to a scattered points.
- Input 1: no-connected.
- Input 2: no-connected.
- Input 3: no-connected.
""" Compute sprite orientation for copy to points. """;
// Get camera to extract transformations.
string cam = chs("camera");
// Extract transformation from operator.
matrix cam_xform = optransform(cam);
// Convert matrix to matrix3 and then create the quaternion.
vector4 orient = quaternion(matrix3(cam_xform));
// Export orient attribute.
p@orient = orient;
Reference Code: 61834389
[!NOTE] Note that the code is created to transform only packed objects from the center. If you want to apply transformations using the packed primitive centroid, you will need to use it as pivot or you will need to invert original transformation, apply new transformation and add the old transformations back.
[!IMPORTANT] Mode: Primitives.
- Input 0: connected to a packed geometry.
- Input 1: no-connected.
- Input 2: no-connected.
- Input 3: no-connected.
""" Transform packed objects. """;
// Get translation, rotation and scale values.
vector trans = chv("translate");
vector rot = chv("rotation");
vector scale = chv("scale");
// Create matrix with retrieved information.
matrix m = maketransform(0,0,trans,rot,scale);
// Get packed transformations from first primitive.
matrix old_xform = getpackedtransform(0, @primnum);
// Set packed transformations.
setpackedtransform(0, @primnum, old_xform*m);
Reference Code: 89221217
[!NOTE] In the example code, the v@up and the v@axis are computed already. If you need to compute the angle between two other vectors or other attributes, you can susbtitute the value of the up and axis variables.
[!IMPORTANT] Mode: Points.
- Input 0: connected to a geometry.
- Input 1: no-connected.
- Input 2: no-connected.
- Input 3: no-connected.
""" Compute angle between two vectors. """;
// Initialize values.
vector up = v@up;
vector axis = v@axis;
// Get angle between two vectors.
float angle = degrees(acos(dot(up, axis)));
// Compute stable axis to check for values over 180.
vector stable_axis = normalize(cross(up, cross({0,1,0}, up)));
// Compute full 360 angle.
float full_angle = (int(sign(dot(axis, stable_axis)))==-1)? angle:360-angle;
// Set angle value.
f@angle = full_angle;
Reference Code: 86495975
[!NOTE] This example is being created in order to show how we can get the position information from the intersection between a sphere and a directional vector, not to output a specific example using actual geometry. It can be used in different contexts and situations where the input geometry might change.
[!IMPORTANT] Mode: Detail.
- Input 0: no-connected.
- Input 1: no-connected.
- Input 2: no-connected.
- Input 3: no-connected.
""" Circle and vector intersection. """;
// x(t) = x0 + t * vx and y(t) = y0 + t * vy being t the distance along the vector.
// (x − xc)^2 + (y − yc)^2 = r^2 circle equation.
// Initialize default values.
vector pt_pos = chv("point_position");
vector ref_dir = normalize(chv("point_direction"));
vector circle_center = chv("circle_center");
float rad = chf("radius");
float angle = chf("angle");
// Get center difference.
vector cent_diff = pt_pos-circle_center;
// Coeficients cuadratic equation.
float A = dot(ref_dir, ref_dir); // A = vx^2 + vy^2 (length of the vector).
float B = 2*dot(cent_diff, ref_dir); // B = 2 * ((x0-xc)*vx + (y0-yc)*vy) (circle direction realtionship).
float C = dot(cent_diff, cent_diff) - rad*rad; // C = (x0-xc)^2 + (y0-yc)^2 - r^2 (center to point rad based).
// Cuadratic equation.
float disc = B*B-4*A*C;
float first_inter_dist = (-B-sqrt(disc))/(2*A);
float second_inter_dist = (-B+sqrt(disc))/(2*A);
// Compute new position.
vector first_inter_pos;
vector second_inter_pos;
// Check if the vector intersects.
// Get two intersections.
first_inter_pos = pt_pos+first_inter_dist*ref_dir;
second_inter_pos = pt_pos+second_inter_dist*ref_dir;
else warning("The current %d reference direction doesn't intersect with the circle.", ref_dir);
Reference Code: 14266560
[!IMPORTANT] Mode: Points.
- Input 0: connected to a geometry with v@N attribute.
- Input 1: no-connected.
- Input 2: no-connected.
- Input 3: no-connected.
""" Create cone vector based on reference center. """;
// Get center, cone_direction and max angle.
vector cent = chv("center");
vector yaxis = normalize(chv("cone_direction"));
float max_angle = chf("max_angle");
// Compute direction from current point to center.
vector dir = normalize(v@P-cent);
// Compute zaxis by crossing dir and cone direction.
vector zaxis = normalize(cross(dir, yaxis));
// Create matrix using direction and yaxis.
matrix3 rot = maketransform(zaxis, yaxis);
// Rotate matrix by maximum angle.
rotate(rot, radians(-max_angle), zaxis);
// Subtract yaxis.
vector final_dir = set(getcomp(rot, 1, 0),
getcomp(rot, 1, 1),
getcomp(rot, 1, 2));
// Export direction vector.
v@dir = final_dir;
Reference Code: 66138567
[!NOTE] Note that you have a flow_vector_type parameter that allows you to choose between two different flow vectors.
[!IMPORTANT] Mode: Points.
- Input 0: connected to a geometry.
- Input 1: no-connected.
- Input 2: no-connected.
- Input 3: no-connected.
""" Compute flow vectors from object. """;
// Get type of flow vector.
int type = chi("flow_vector_type");
// Initialize up vector and y axis.
vector up = {0,1,0};
vector yaxis = v@N;
// Compute xaxis and zaxis using cross product.
vector xaxis = normalize((cross(yaxis, up)));
vector zaxis = normalize((cross(yaxis, xaxis)));
// Export directional vector.
v@dir = (type)? zaxis:xaxis;
Reference Code: 75398837
[!IMPORTANT] Mode: Points.
- Input 0: connected to a geometry with v@N attribute.
- Input 1: connected to a point reference.
- Input 2: no-connected.
- Input 3: no-connected.
""" Flow vector using a reference point position. """;
// Initialize up vector.
vector up = {0,1,0};
// Get point reference position.
vector pos = point(1, "P", 0);
// Normalize direction vector.
vector dir = normalize(v@P-pos);
// Compute cross vector.
vector cross = normalize(cross(dir, v@N));
// Compute flow vector.
vector flow = normalize(cross(v@N, cross));
// Compute dot product between direction and normal.
float dot = dot(dir, v@N);
// Export dir attribute.
v@dir = lerp(flow, dir, dot);
Reference Code: 89906276
[!NOTE] The following snippet contains two variables: get_distance + normalize_distance and normalize_distance_detail. Both output similar results, but the methodology is different.
[!IMPORTANT] Mode: Primitives.
- Input 0: connected to a geometry.
- Input 1: connected to a reference point.
- Input 2: no-connected.
- Input 3: no-connected.
""" Get the distance for each of the points. """;
// Get position from the second input.
vector pos = point(1, "P", 0);
// Get distance between current point and input 2 positon.
float dist = distance(pos, v@P);
// Set distance attribute.
f@dist = dist;
[!NOTE] Use a promote attribute parameter to create a maximum distance value in Detail mode without removing the previous values to follow the next step.
[!IMPORTANT] Mode: Primitives.
- Input 0: connected to a geometry.
- Input 1: connected to a reference point.
- Input 2: no-connected.
- Input 3: no-connected.
""" Normalize distance using the computed max distance. """;
// Get max distance from detail.
float max_dist = detail(0, "max_dist");
// Normalize distance.
float norm_dist = f@dist/max_dist;
// Set color attrivute to show the normalized distance.
v@Cd = chramp("color", norm_dist);
[!IMPORTANT] Mode: Detail.
- Input 0: connected to a geometry.
- Input 1: connected to a reference point.
- Input 2: no-connected.
- Input 3: no-connected.
""" Normalize distance attribute. """;
// Get amount of point from first input.
int pts = npoints(0);
// Get position from the second input.
vector ref_pos = point(1, "P", 0);
// Create handle using the pcopen.
int handle = pcopen(0, "P", ref_pos, 1e09, int(1e09));
// Get farthest distance of the point cloud.
float max_dist = pcfarthest(handle);
// Iterate for each point.
for(int pt=0; pt<pts; pt++){
// Get current point position.
vector curr_pos = point(0, "P", pt);
// Compute current distance.
float dist = distance(curr_pos, ref_pos);
// Normalize distance and remap color.
float norm_dist = dist/max_dist;
vector color = chramp("ramp_color", norm_dist);
// Set color attrivute to show the normalized distance.
setpointattrib(0, "Cd", pt, color);
Reference Code: 70358649
[!NOTE] This example is being created in order to show how we can get the position information from two vectors, not to output a specific example using actual geometry. It can be used in different contexts and situations where the input geometry might change.
[!IMPORTANT] Mode: Detail.
- Input 0: no-connected.
- Input 1: no-connected.
- Input 2: no-connected.
- Input 3: no-connected.
""" Get intersection position between two vectors in a position. """;
// Initialize point positions.
vector origin_pt1 = set(0.5, 0, 0);
vector origin_pt2 = set(-0.5, 0, 0);
vector pos = {0,0,0};
// Initialize direction vector.
vector dir_pt1 = set(-0.7, 2, 0);
vector dir_pt2 = set(0.7, 0.7, 0);
// Define the points using the origin and direction.
vector final_pt1 = origin_pt1 + dir_pt1;
vector final_pt2 = origin_pt2 + dir_pt2;
// Calculate the denominator of the intersection formula.
float denominator = (origin_pt1.x - final_pt1.x) * (origin_pt2.y - final_pt2.y) -
(origin_pt1.y - final_pt1.y) * (origin_pt2.x - final_pt2.x);
// Avoid division by zero.
if (abs(denominator) > 1e-6) {
// Calculate the numerators for Px and Py.
float Px_numer = ((origin_pt1.x * final_pt1.y - origin_pt1.y * final_pt1.x) * (origin_pt2.x - final_pt2.x)) -
((origin_pt1.x - final_pt1.x) * (origin_pt2.x * final_pt2.y - origin_pt2.y * final_pt2.x));
float Py_numer = ((origin_pt1.x * final_pt1.y - origin_pt1.y * final_pt1.x) * (origin_pt2.y - final_pt2.y)) -
((origin_pt1.y - final_pt1.y) * (origin_pt2.x * final_pt2.y - origin_pt2.y * final_pt2.x));
// Calculate intersection position.
pos = set(Px_numer / denominator, Py_numer / denominator, 0);
// Store intersection position.
v@intersect_pos = pos;
Reference Code: 72854126
[!IMPORTANT] Mode: Points.
- Input 0: connected to the curve.
- Input 1: no-connected.
- Input 2: no-connected.
- Input 3: no-connected.
""" Create tangent based on neighbours in a line. """;
// Get neighbours of current point and capture it's position.
int neigh[] = neighbours(0, @ptnum);
vector pos = point(0, "P", neigh[-1]);
// Get direction vector by subtracting the current position to
// the neighbour one and normalize the vector to get the proper
// length to work with.
vector tan = normalize(v@P-pos);
// Check if the current point is equal to the maximum points
// minus one (ptnum starts from 0) and negate tangent to obtain
// the opposite direction.
if(@ptnum==@numpt-1) tan*=-1;
// Set attribute.
v@tan = tan;
Reference Code: 4300925
[!NOTE] Note that this example is a basic exemplification of how we can get the direction vector between two positions. This snippet usually comes with additional functionality that is not being implemented here.
[!IMPORTANT] Mode: Points.
- Input 0: connected to a geometry.
- Input 1: connected to a geometry.
- Input 2: no-connected.
- Input 3: no-connected.
""" Get direction vector between two points. """;
// Get point position to point to.
vector to_pos = point(1, "P", @ptnum);
// Get current point position to point from.
vector from_pos = v@P;
// Compute direction vector.
vector dir = to_pos-from_pos;
// Export direction attribute.
v@dir = dir;
Reference Code: 20906416
[!NOTE] Note that there are two examples that show how to get a directional vector inside a sphere. The purpose of this example is to show how to do it in two different ways, not to exemplify it any specific context.
[!IMPORTANT] Mode: Detail.
- Input 0: no-connected.
- Input 1: no-connected.
- Input 2: no-connected.
- Input 3: no-connected.
""" Sample sphere. """;
// Get amount of samples.
int samples = chi("samples");
// Iterate for each sample.
for(int i=0; i<samples; i++){
// Compute direction using iteration value.
vector pos = normalize(set(fit01(rand(i), -1, 1),
fit01(rand(i+1), -1, 1),
fit01(rand(i+2), -1, 1)));
// Create point using computed position.
addpoint(0, pos);
[!IMPORTANT] Mode: Detail.
- Input 0: no-connected.
- Input 1: no-connected.
- Input 2: no-connected.
- Input 3: no-connected.
""" Sample sphere. """;
// Get amount of samples.
int samples = chi("samples");
// Iterate for each sample.
for(int i=0; i<samples; i++){
// Compute create random seed.
vector seed = rand(i);
// Compute normalized position using sample sphere uniform.
vector pos = normalize(sample_sphere_uniform(seed));
// Create point using computed position.
addpoint(0, pos);
Reference Code: 86444637
[!NOTE] Note that this example shows how to normalize the density value, but you can follow the same structure to normalize every field. Just remember to use the corresponding primitive number value.
[!IMPORTANT] Mode: Volume.
- Input 0: connected to a density volume.
- Input 1: no-connected.
- Input 2: no-connected.
- Input 3: no-connected.
""" Normalize density value. """;
// Get maximum and minimum volume value.
float max_den = primintrinsic(0, "volumemaxvalue", 0);
float min_den = primintrinsic(0, "volumeminvalue", 0);
// Fit values and normalize them.
float den = fit(f@density, min_den, max_den, 0, 1);
// Export density attribute.
f@density = den;
Reference Code: 73825197
[!IMPORTANT] Mode: Points.
- Input 0: connected to points.
- Input 1: connected to sdf volume.
- Input 2: no-connected.
- Input 3: no-connected.
""" Push Points Outisde Volumes. """;
// Compute signed distance field value.
float dist = volumesample(1, 0, v@P);
// Compute gradient from volume.
vector grad = volumegradient(1, 0, v@P);
// Push points.
if(dist<0.001) v@P -= normalize(grad)*dist;
Reference Code: 22887045
[!IMPORTANT] Mode: Volume.
- Input 0: connected to a density volume.
- Input 1: connected to a reference point.
- Input 2: no-connected.
- Input 3: no-connected.
""" Remap the density based on reference point. """;
// Initialize amplitude and frequency values.
float amp = chf("amplitude");
float freq = chf("frequency");
// Get renferece point position.
vector pos = point(1, "P", 0);
// Get current position and add noise to it if user inputs amplitude.
vector curr_pos = v@P+noise(v@P*freq)*amp;
// Get distance between curr_pos and pos. Remap distance to fit desired values.
float dist = distance(curr_pos, pos);
dist = fit(dist, 0, chf("max_distance"), 0, 1);
dist = chramp("distance", dist);
// Multiply density by distance.
Reference Code: 8712550
[!TIP] This code exports the necessary values to work with the volumerasterizelattice. You can potentially deform the exported points and the volumerasterizelattice will deform the volumes using the i@ix, i@iy, i@iz and v@rest attributes.
[!NOTE] In order to create geometry with a volumewrangle, you'll need to turn on the Only Output Created Geometry in the Bindings tab.
[!IMPORTANT] Mode: Volume.
- Input 0: connected to a density volume.
- Input 1: no-connected.
- Input 2: no-connected.
- Input 3: no-connected.
""" Compute rest and index values for volumes. """;
// Create point for each voxel.
int pt = addpoint(0, v@P);
// Convert position to rest position.
vector index = volumepostoindex(0, 0, v@P);
// Store rest position.
setpointattrib(0, "rest", pt, v@P);
// Create index for each axis and export it as integer.
setpointattrib(0, "ix", pt, int(index.x));
setpointattrib(0, "iy", pt, int(index.y));
setpointattrib(0, "iz", pt, int(index.z));
// Set density to 0 to be able to generate geometry.
Reference Code: 88960949
[!NOTE] Note that the results that the tools provides you are not real kelvin wakes. The provided code gives you room to modify, change and customize the kelvin wakes without limitations.
[!NOTE] The code allows to create a pattern. The parameters are not ready to be animated, but the combination of different techniques would produce a good looking and animated kelvin wake.
[!TIP] You can test different values to achieve different results, but those are the defaults that I've been using for most of the tests:
- Reference position: {0,0,5}
- Reference direction: {0,0,-1}
- Width: 0.5
- Length: 5
- Div Wave Frequency: 10
- Trav Wave Frequency: 20
- Div Amplitude: 150
- Trav Amplitude: 0.075
- Max Angle: 39
- Origin Mask Max: 2
- Origin Mask Min: 0.5
[!IMPORTANT] Mode: Points.
- Input 0: connected to a geometry.
- Input 1: no-connected.
- Input 2: no-connected.
- Input 3: no-connected.
// Get reference directional and positional values.
vector ref_pos = chv("reference_position");
vector ref_dir = normalize(chv("reference_direction"));
float max_angle = radians(chf("max_angle") / 2);
// Get dimension values.
float width = chf("width");
float length = chf("length");
// Get frequency for
int div_freq = chi("div_wave_frequency");
int trav_freq = chi("trav_wave_frequency");
// Get wave amplitude.
float div_amp = chf("div_amplitude");
float trav_amp = chf("trav_amplitude");
// Get origin fade distance values.
float orig_max_distance = chf("origin_mask_max");
float orig_min_distance = chf("origin_mask_min");
// Adjust distance from origin.
float orig_dist = fit(distance(v@P, ref_pos), orig_min_distance, orig_max_distance, 0, 1);
// Store position in a variable.
vector pos = v@P;
// Traversal Waves position.
vector trav_pos = ref_pos + ref_dir * length * 2;
// Compute Traversal Waves.
float trav_dist = distance(trav_pos, pos);
float wave_trav_dist = fit(trav_dist, 0, length * 2, 1, 0);
float trav_wave_factor = fit11(cos(2*$PI*wave_trav_dist * trav_freq*2), 0, 1);
// Get direction from reference position to current point position.
vector dir = normalize(pos - ref_pos);
// Compute out cone angle where the Divergent Waves will be visible.
float out_cone = fit(dot(dir, ref_dir), 1, cos(max_angle), 1, 0);
out_cone = pow(out_cone, 4);
// Compute out cone angle where the Traversal Waves will be visible.
float in_cone = fit(dot(dir, ref_dir), 1, cos(max_angle/2), 0, 1);
in_cone = pow(in_cone, 4);
// Compute mask length based on distance from origin.
float length_mask = fit(distance(v@P, ref_pos), 0, length, 1, 0);
length_mask = pow(length_mask, 2);
// Initialize divergent wave factor.
float div_wave_factor = 0;
// Iterate for each Divergent Wave side.
for (int a = 0; a < 2; a++) {
// Get side multiplier.
int side_angle = (a)? -1 : 1;
// Rotate direction based on iteration.
matrix rot = ident();
rotate(rot, $PI/2*side_angle, {0, 1, 0});
// Compute max radius based on length*2 chord arc and the angles.
float max_rad = (length*2)/(2*sin(max_angle));
// Iteerate for each Divergent Wave input.
for(int i=0; i<div_freq; i++){
// Check if the point is in the cone, has correct distance or it's already a wave.
if (div_wave_factor >= 1 || out_cone == 0 || length_mask == 0) break;
// Compute iteration push length.
float it_length = max_rad/(div_freq)*i;
// Compute push direction and new position based on it_length.
vector dir_side = ref_dir * rot;
vector new_pos = ref_pos + dir_side * it_length;
// Get distance between current position and new reference position.
float dist = distance(pos, new_pos);
// Set capture distance with its width.
dist = fit(dist, it_length - width, it_length + width, 0, 1);
// Create fade on maximum and minimum values.
dist = fit11(sin(radians(dist * 180)), 0, 1);
// Update Divergent Wave factor with the maximum value.
div_wave_factor = max(dist, div_wave_factor);
// Inver wave factors and apply corresponding masks.
div_wave_factor = (1 - div_wave_factor) * out_cone * in_cone * length_mask * orig_dist;
trav_wave_factor = (1 - trav_wave_factor) * out_cone * orig_dist * length_mask;
// Update Y position based on wave amplitude.
v@P.y += div_wave_factor * div_amp + trav_wave_factor * trav_amp;
// (Optional) Export color for each wave.
v@Cd = set(div_wave_factor * div_amp, trav_wave_factor * trav_amp, 0) * 10;
Reference Code: 81930198
[!IMPORTANT] Mode: Points.
- Input 0: connected to a geometry.
- Input 1: no-connected.
- Input 2: no-connected.
- Input 3: no-connected.
""" Create a wave deform. """;
vector wave_pos = chv("wave_position");
vector wave_rot = chv("wave_rotation");
float distance = chf("distance");
float angle = radians(chf("angle"));
float wave_line = chf("wave_line");
// Extract transforms from target values.
matrix xform = maketransform(0,0, wave_pos, wave_rot);
vector new_pos = v@P*invert(xform);
// Create expansion value based on
vector expand = new_pos;
// Comput exponential value of the distance between expansion and input distance.
float expand_amount = length(expand);
float effect_falloff = exp(expand_amount/distance*-1);
// Multiply angles by the falloff effect.
float mult_angle = effect_falloff*angle;
// Create wave transformation matrix.
matrix wave_m = ident();
rotate(wave_m, mult_angle, 4);
// Create new position.
vector def_pos = new_pos*wave_m;
// Export position attribute.
v@P = def_pos*xform;
Thanks for giving feedback to make the best snippets and presentation possible!
Alain Lauzé, Andrea Bazzi, Christian Miró, Filip Stanovsky, Gabriel Casado, Josep Marsal, Maria Massot, Mario Corrales, Tomáš Novák, Tomas Krejzek